Minnesota Has Abortions Up to Birth, Killed 12,000 Babies in 2022
ABORTION-UP-TO-BIRTH is the current law of the land in Minnesota. More than 12,000 babies were killed in 2022 alone, and a much higher number is expected in 2023 (that year’s data will be released soon). How can we make Minnesota pro-life again?
There are no easy solutions. Restoring protection for innocent human life will require changing the way many Minnesotans think about abortion and about the lives of unborn babies and other vulnerable persons. That’s why MCCL is so committed to creating a pro-life culture in our state. Here’s some of what we’re doing, and how you can help.
Outreach to new groups
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Last year MCCL started the Center for a Pro-Life Minnesota, a new outreach arm, with the goal of reaching key groups with the pro-life message and pro-life training. What does that look like?
We’re reaching more young people with school presentations, social media, and events, including an expansion of our Student Days at the Capitol and our Life Leadership Camps. We’re reaching more churchgoers, many of whom are not active in the fight for life, with presentations and other activities. We’re reaching into the Latino community with Spanish-language talks and materials.
And we’re reaching our MCCL members to train them to be effective pro-life ambassadors. Cultural change happens one conversation at a time, and we’re encouraging and equipping pro-life Minnesotans to engage in those conversations with people in their spheres of influence.
We’re also pursuing advertising to reach a broader audience. In August and September, we ran a $750,000 TV ad campaign to show the public what pro-lifers are all about. The ad emphasized love for both moms and babies, and it directed thousands of viewers to our website for information about alternatives to abortion.
What’s your role?
You play a vital role in our plan to create a pro-life culture. Please consider some of the ways you can help:
• Invite us to speak to your chapter, church, school, or group. All our presentations are free of charge. Please contact us at the MCCL office or fill out the online form at mccl.org/speaker.
• Start or join an MCCL chapter to help lead pro-life activities in your community. Contact us to learn more about existing chapters or the opportunity to start a new one.
• If you’re a pastor or church leader and want to work with other pro-life churches to impact your local community, contact MCCL and we’ll help bring you together. • Connect with MCCL on social media and share our posts
• Participate in and/or promote MCCL events and programs, like our upcoming events for young people.
• Contribute financially MCCL’s work can’t happen without your generous support!
• Have ideas of your own? Contact MCCL at mccl@mccl.org and let us know. We’re always looking for new avenues of advancing our mission.
We can rebuild a pro-life Minnesota, but the reality is that we can only do it together! Thank you for partnering with us to save lives.
The post Minnesota Has Abortions Up to Birth, Killed 12,000 Babies in 2022 appeared first on LifeNews.com.