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Topeka, KDOT shares plan for continued snow removal

TOPEKA (KSNT) - Now that the snow has calmed down, residents in northeast Kansas might be wondering how you can expect the roads to be Wednesday for you morning commute.

The good news is that the roads are nowhere near as bad as they were last month when we experienced a record snowfall. Still, you might be concerned about the roads going to work tomorrow. Lucky for you, the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) has been working day and night to make your drive as smooth as possible. KDOT had crews in at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 17. Since they got out early ahead of the snowfall, snow plow drivers were able to start cleaning up as soon as it hit the ground.

With 12 trucks running 24-hours a day in Topeka and not expecting any more build up, KDOT told 27 News the department plans on focusing on areas that have seen less traffic with more accumulation, and other areas where you have to brake or there's curves.

"I think the road conditions are not going to change probably either good or bad through the night," KDOT Area Superintendent David Studebaker said. "What you see now is probably what you're going to have. You know, honestly, probably the biggest threat tomorrow is going to be the cold temperatures."

What makes this snow different from others is it's a dry snow. Studebaker said the wind actually helps KDOT crews out by blowing the dry snow off the highways. That's unlike other snows we've seen, where it sticks once touching the ground.

Meanwhile in the capital city, Topeka road crews started prepping and treating the roads as early as 7 p.m. Monday evening and have been out on the roads non-stop running two 12-hour shifts. Public Works Director Steve Groen told 27 News that if you're out driving tomorrow you need be careful for slick spots.

He said that's because the city's salt and other treatments don't work as well in these conditions.

"We have identified a few more hot spots that we're treating now where there's been areas where there's hills and curves that need attention, but our policy hasn't changed," Groen said. "We're still focusing on arterial and collector streets."

Instead of that salt-brine mix, the city is going to be using some sand it's mixed up and crews should be plowing all main roads to the curb As Groen said, the city's policy has not changed, this means the city will only plow residential streets if the streets receive more than six inches of snow.

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