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The 12 doctor-approved longevity tips to beat the ‘big four killers’ – and live a long and healthy life

CANCER, dementia, heart disease and stroke are among the biggest killers in the UK.

So is it any wonder that Sun readers fear such a diagnosis?

Exercise, eat well, avoid smoking and excess drinking to lower your risk of deadly diseases and increase your chance of a longer and healthier life[/caption]

Our Sun Health survey, part of our annual Health Kick series, found 54 per cent are worried about developing dementia, up from 46 per cent in 2022.

Meanwhile, cancer fears have leapt from 54 to 60 per cent in three years.

GP and author Dr Philippa Kaye says: “Quality of life matters as much as quantity.

“Do you want to live to 100 but be unwell? Or to 85 and be well?”

Ella Walker asked four experts to share their advice on helping to ward off “the big four” deadly diseases.

The unanimous verdict was to exercise regularly, eat healthily, not smoke, not drink to excess (if at all!) and seek medical attention for issues as soon as they arise.

Prevention is always better than cure.


DR PHILIPPA KAYE, a writer and broadcaster, specialises in women’s health. Her books include The Science Of Menopause.

Dr Philippa Kaye a writer and broadcaster, specialises in women’s health. Her books include The Science Of Menopause

I’D NEVER . . . SKIP SCREENING: NHS screening is your best chance of detecting some cancers before they show symptoms.

But only two-thirds of people take up their invitation for bowel or breast cancer screening (offered from the age of 50), according to the most recent stats.

Just 68.8 per cent of 25 to 64-year-old women get their smear test within the recommended time frame.

The NHS recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, a week[/caption]

Dr Philippa says: “People get distracted by trendy supplements or the latest exercise trend and then forget some of the most basic things such as screening, which is free.”

You can also have a free NHS health check if you’re aged 40 to 74 and do not have a pre-existing health condition.

And men are offered abdominal aortic aneurysm screening when they turn 65.

In addition, the NHS Lung Cancer Pilot is trialling screening in supermarket car parks. Don’t skip vaccines offered to you, either.

WE NEED TO . . . TACKLE LONELINESS: “Loneliness kills,” says Dr Philippa.

Indeed, loneliness has been shown to increase stress, which in turn can contribute to cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure and heart disease.

It can also increase mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety.

Nineteen per cent of our readers say they feel lonely, jumping to 29 per cent in the under-40s.

But Dr Philippa notes it is “really relevant as you get older”, with social isolation, grief and health issues all closely linked.

The GP says: “People crave human interaction.

“I have a lady who comes to see me in surgery every three months and we just have a chat.

“I probably do more for her than I do for the other 30 patients I see in a day.”

If you feel lonely, your GP surgery may have a social prescriber who can direct you to local clubs, groups and community centre coffee mornings.

Dr Philippa says: “Making friends is hard, right?

“But social connection is hugely important.”

EVERY DAY I . . . EXERCISE: Dr Philippa does an hour of weight training five days a week, which doesn’t just improve her mood and energy levels.

She says: “I started after I was diagnosed with bowel cancer and the oncologist said, ‘If you exercise regularly, you will decrease your risk of recurrence by the same percentage as the chemotherapy’.”

Exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.

It also helps to keeps weight under control and wards off heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer and dementia.

You don’t have to run a marathon, but being physically active in any way can lower the risk of early death by up to 30 per cent.

Try to do a mix of aerobic exercise (for example walking, jogging and swimming), strength-based exercise (anything with weights or resistance) and balance exercises such as yoga or tai chi.

The NHS recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, a week.


 DR AYYAZ SULTAN is a consultant cardiologist at Pall Mall Medical private healthcare

DR Ayyaz Sultan is  a consultant cardiologist at Pall Mall Medical private healthcare[/caption]

I’D NEVER . . .  IGNORE FAMILY HISTORY: Being proactive about your health means you can get a jump on any future problems.

Dr Ayyaz says: “An early intervention can prevent complications and save lives.”

He recommends finding out if there is a strong family history of disease and asking your GP about your risks.

For example, men are two-and-a-half times more likely to get prostate cancer if their father or brother had it.

If you have a family history of heart or circulatory disease, you might have a higher risk of developing conditions that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Tell your GP if someone you are related to has had a heart attack or stroke, because they can check indicators such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, which do not show symptoms.

Never ignore family history – early intervention can save lives, says Dr Ayyaz. Know your normal and make weekly checks of vital health indicators to stay proactive[/caption]

WE NEED TO . . . KNOW OUR NORMAL: Knowing what is normal for you helps you spot symptoms more easily.

Dr Ayyaz says: “Being aware of oneself is the most important thing.”

It’s important to recognise the key signs of heart attack – chest pain, dizziness, sweating, shortness of breath – and stroke – face and arm weakness, slurred words.

It’s also important to listen to your body so you can get symptoms that aren’t normal for you checked.

Two years ago Dr Ayyaz dismissed his own symptoms of a heart attack as indigestion.

He says: “I thought that if I was having a heart attack, I’d probably get sweating and palpitations, and feel a bit sickly, tired and short of breath when I walked around, but I was fine.

“Whether it’s shortness of breath, indigestion, chest pain, palpitations – if there’s anything unusual and there’s no obvious reason, immediately contact a healthcare provider and ask for help.

“And don’t worry about burdening the NHS.

“If someone is not feeling well, please do not ignore it – we are here for you.”

EVERY WEEK I . . . MAKE VITAL CHECKS: Dr Ayyaz keeps on top of his heart measurements.

He says: “Make it a habit once or twice a week to check your heart or pulse rate so you know what your baselines are.

“If your heart rate is much faster or slower than usual, or irregular, or you are getting palpitations, it could indicate a heart rhythm issue (arrhythmia) that can increase the risk of stroke.”

Regularly check your body for changes to the skin, such as new or changing moles, or raised, red or itchy spots that won’t go away.

Check your breasts, chests and testicles for any lumps, bumps and other changes too.


Dr Tim Beanland is Head of Knowledge at the Alzheimer’s Society and author of The Brain Health Puzzle Book.

I’D NEVER . . . EXERCISE UNPROTECTED: If you play a sport that could risk a concussion or a head injury, such as football or rugby, take precautions.

Dr Tim says: “Getting hits to the head is not good for the brain and is very much linked to dementia in the long term.

“I would still keep playing contact sports, but if you do have a blow to the head, make sure you follow the concussion protocols really carefully.

“Likewise, if you’re cycling or riding you must wear head protection and be careful.”

Dr Tim encourages staying mentally active through puzzles, learning, and social engagement to protect against dementia and age well[/caption]

WE NEED TO . . . SLEEP WELL: Ensure you get enough quality sleep to help protect against dementia.

Dr Tim says: “There’s evidence that if you don’t get at least, on average, about seven hours sleep a night, it’s bad for your brain health.

“When you sleep, the brain processes memories and clears out toxins.

“The brain doesn’t concentrate when you are asleep, so it’s like putting your dishwasher on for a clean overnight.”

To improve sleep, he recommends a cool temperature (18C is often recommended), avoiding caffeine and nicotine before bed, and removing your phone from the bedroom.

EVERY DAY I . . . BRAIN TRAIN: Keeping the brain stimulated is crucial to ward off dementia.

Dr Tim plays Squaredle, a type of wordsearch.

He says: “It gets harder during the week.

“Sometimes me and my wife have to swap words because we’re stuck!”

But he encourages people to keep learning, whatever their age, try out new things and meet new people.

“Be socially active and purposefully engaged, do puzzles and learn languages,” he says.

“Over time, these things will make you less likely to get dementia as your brain builds up a reserve and strengthens the pathways inside.”

He leaves us with some advice on ageing.

“Never think of yourself as old.

“If you behave as if you’re old, people will treat you that way and you can get into a spiral.”


Dr Richard Lee is a consultant in respiratory medicine and champion for early cancer diagnosis at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Dom Tyler

I’D NEVER . . . SMOKE OR DRINK TOO MUCH: Around six million of us smoke, increasing our risk of cancer, lung disease, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and dementia.

Quitting is tough, so visit for help. Dr Richard says: “It’s an addiction and it’s not easy to quit.

“It needs to be supported.

“You often need two types of nicotine replacement – typically a patch and something else to deal with the cravings.”

Varenicline has just been approved on the NHS as a highly effective medicine to stop smoking.

Dr Richard says: “As a short-term solution, vaping is far less harmful than cigarette smoking, but in the long-term we are not sure what the impact will be.”

It’s known that the highly addictive substance nicotine increases blood pressure, heart rate and may narrow our arteries.

Too much booze increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, liver disease and at least seven types of cancers.

The NHS recommendation is a limit of 14 units a week – one unit is half a pint of beer, or a single shot or less than a small glass of wine.

Almost half of Sun readers said they are interested in drinking less.

Dr Richard recommends “zebra striping” – alternating alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks – to help you cut down.

Two-thirds of people are overweight or obese, increasing risks for heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Dr Richard suggests healthy cooking and making smarter snack choices[/caption]

WE NEED TO . . . EAT BETTER: Two-thirds of us are overweight or obese, putting us at risk of heart disease and stroke.

It is also the second-biggest cause of cancer in the UK. And tackling belly fat can be tough when 28 per cent of readers say they are struggling to afford healthy food and gym memberships.

“Learning to cook from scratch helps,” says Dr Richard. But healthy eating and cooking education needs to start in childhood.

Dr Richard says: “If we can stop children becoming obese, we can help reduce cancer in that generation.

“What can you do to help your children have a better concept of what healthy food is?

“Fizzy drinks?

“We don’t need them.

“Can you get rid of that excess sugar consumption?”

EVERY DAY I . . . SNACK WISELY: It’s not just about quitting junk food and filling the fruit bowl, though.

“If I’m going to the cupboard for a bar of chocolate or a packet of crisps, I’ll think, ‘I’ve got some nuts and raisins instead’.

“If I can persuade myself that’s the right choice, then throughout a lifetime that should make a difference.”

Go for hummus and carrot sticks, or an apple over chocolate or crisps.

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