Congressman Introduces Bill to Stop Mail-Order Abortions
North Carolina Republican Congressman Mark Harris introduced the “Teleabortion Prevention Act,” aiming to stop mail-order abortions.
The measure would prohibit selling dangerous abortion pills by mail that kill babies and kill or injure women and it would help affirm abortion bans in pr-life states, where the bans are being exploited by abortion pill sellers nationwide.
The proposed legislation mandates that anyone selling the aboriton drug must first conduct an in-person examination of a pregnnat woman bforehand to protect her health and safety and be physically present during the administration of the dangerous two-part mifepristone abortion drug.
Additionally, it requires scheduling follow-up visits to monitor the pregnant woman’s health. Abortion pill sellers who violate these provisions could face fines up to $1,000 and imprisonment for up to two years.
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Harris emphasized the bill’s intent to protect women by ensuring they receive comprehensive medical oversight during the abortion process. He expressed concern over the increasing ease of obtaining abortion pills by mail, especially following the FDA’s recent relaxation of guidelines in January, which has led to a rise in chemical abortions, now accounting for over half of allabortions.
“In the country, getting an abortion is as easy as walking to your mailbox. What this bill seeks to do is to protect women from that and it really just gives them an opportunity to be in a position to know what they’re doing,” Harris, a freshman representative, told The Daily Wire.
Harris, a freshman representative, underscored his belief in the sanctity of life, stating, “I believe God is the creator of life. I believe He’s the one that gives life and I think that we are bound to protect it in every way we can.”
The bill has garnered support from several Republican co-sponsors, including Representatives Andrew Clyde (GA), Robert Aderholt (AL), Daniel Webster (FL), Brandon Gill (TX), Mary Miller (IL), and Michael Cloud (TX). Prominent pro-life organizations such as SBA Pro-Life America, Heritage Action, March for Life Action, and the Family Research Council have also endorsed the legislation.
Democrat presidents abused the Food and Drug Administration to expand abortion since 2000. Bill Clinton first instructed the FDA to skip its normal safety screenings in order to approve the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol to cause abortions. Under President Obama in 2016, the FDA extended the use of abortion pills later in pregnancy, from seven weeks to 10 weeks, despite the increased risk of complications. In 2021, the Biden-led FDA removed the requirement for pregnant women to visit a doctor in person, authorizing mail-order abortions.
President Trump could direct the FDA to restore safeguards on mifepristone or even urge the agency to revoke its approval of the abortion drug entirely.
First approved under the Clinton administration, mifepristone is used to abort unborn babies up to about 10 weeks of pregnancy – although some abortionists use it later.
Along with millions of unborn babies’ deaths, the FDA has linked mifepristone to at least 28 women’s deaths and 4,000 serious complications. However, under President Barack Obama, the FDA stopped requiring that non-fatal complications from mifepristone be reported. So the numbers almost certainly are much higher.
Studies indicate the risks of the abortion drug are more common than what abortion activists often claim, with as many as one in 17 women requiring hospital treatment. A recent study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that the rate of abortion-related emergency room visits by women taking the abortion drug increased more than 500 percent between 2002 and 2015.
Another new study from the University of Toronto, “Short-Term Adverse Outcomes After Mifepristone–Misoprostol Versus Procedural Induced Abortion,” published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that one in ten women who took the abortion pill had to go to the emergency room, according to Pregnancy Help News.
A 19-year-old Canadian woman died along with her unborn baby after taking the abortion pill. The tragic news comes as abortion activists push to expand the abortion drug mifepristone across the U.S. and Canada, claiming it’s “safer than Tylenol.” In actuality, the drug has been linked to the deaths of millions of unborn babies and dozens of mothers.
Meanwhile, Alyona Dixon, 24, died on September 28, 2022 after complications from the abortion forced her to seek emergency medical treatment four days after the abortion at Planned Parenthood. Her family is now suing the Las Vegas hospital that treated her, saying it did not provide adequate medical care for the abortion complications.
At the Planned Parenthood abortion center, Dixon received the dangerous mifepristone abortion pill that has killed dozens of other women and injured thousands. The pill has been linked to sepsis, which has killed other women taking the abortion drug, including Dixon.
Another woman, from Georgia, died after the abortion pill left parts of her baby inside her.
In England, which began allowing mail-order abortion drugs around the same time as the U.S., new investigations show a huge increase in ambulance calls and reports of coercion and abuse. There also have been reports of late-term babies being born alive at home as a result of mail-order abortion drugs because their mothers did not realize how far along they were.
Coercion and abuse also are concerns. LifeNews has reported a number of stories in recent years about sex traffickers, abusive partners and parents forcing or tricking pregnant women and girls into aborting their unborn babies. A midwife with the abortion chain MSI Reproductive Health recently told the BBC that recognizing coercion is a big problem among abortion providers, and the new mail-order abortion practice makes it even worse.
During the Biden administration, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved new regulations allowing retailers to sell dangerous chemical abortions. Leading pro-life groups condemned the decision, saying that the pills end the lives of babies before birth and that chemical abortion poses greater risks for women than surgical procedures – even as high as four times the risk. Up to one in five women will experience complications from the abortion pil.
Mary Elizabeth Castle, director of government relations for Texas Values, a pro-life group, says abortion drugs are dangerous for women and children and she thinks there should be a stop to mail order abortions.
“The reason why the FDA restricted these pills in the first place is they are dangerous,” Castle said. “It ends the baby’s life, threatens the mother’s life, and can send women to the emergency room with severe cramping and bleeding that becomes septic if pieces of the baby remain inside them.”
Leading pro-life groups want President Donald Trump to add back the restrictions on the abortion drug before Biden removed them.
“As two of the world’s largest, most trusted ‘health’ brands, the decision by CVS and Walgreens to sell dangerous abortion drugs is shameful, and the harm to unborn babies and their mothers incalculable. This reckless policy was made possible by the Biden administration, which is pushing to turn every pharmacy and post office in America into an abortion center for the sake of abortion industry greed,” said SBA Pro-Life America’s State Policy Director Katie Daniel. “Even when used under the strongest safeguards, abortion drugs send roughly one in 25 women to the emergency room, according to the FDA’s own label. Yet under Democrat presidents, the FDA has illegally rolled back basic safety standards, like in-person doctor visits, even allowing these deadly drugs to be sent through the mail.
“Doctors routinely witness the fallout for women and girls who turn up in ERs with severe pain, heavy bleeding, infections and other serious complications – not to mention the trauma some experience when they deliver their own aborted child alone in the bathroom. The truth about abortion drugs is being exposed and we hope the FDA will finally be held accountable for failing to protect Americans.”
Ingrid Skop, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., a board-certified OB-GYN who serves as vice president and director of medical affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute, shared her reaction:
“Pharmacists, who do not receive clinical training, should not be distributing these dangerous drugs. By pushing these medically unsupervised abortions, the FDA and abortion advocates continue down the slippery slope of chipping away at medical standards for women seeking abortion. This is not health care. This is an ideology that prioritizes destruction of unborn human life and does not care that the women injured by these abortions, whom I see in the ER on a regular basis, are collateral damage.”
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