Commutation denied for Oklahoma pharmacist convicted of murder
OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — On Monday, the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board heard a case by Jerome Ersland in his plea to get out of prison early. He's convicted of murdering a teenager back in 2009 after two teens tried to rob his pharmacy.
Monday's hearing is not the first time Ersland has tried to get commutation.
"I was before this board in 2018 requesting the same relief I'm requesting today. We lost by 3-2 vote," said Kendall Sykes, Ersland's attorney.
His attorney appeared before the board in hopes of sharing a case that would allow Ersland to be released earlier than expected.
"Mr. Ersland has regretted and been brokenhearted by his actions that day. I have seen it, and if given an opportunity to be released, he would not let this board down," said Sykes.
Ersland is currently serving a life sentence in prison.
Back in 2009, he shot and killed a teenager when that teen and an accomplice tried to rob Ersland's pharmacy.
Surveillance video showed Ersland shooting the teen, then leaving the store to chase after the other suspect.
He then came back in to the store and shot the teen five more times.
In the latest commutation application, Ersland said he wants to spend time with family before he dies.
I will die in prison as I am 72 years old...and not eligible for parole until I'm 100. I would like to see my other two children before I die. I will never commit any other crime. I'd move back to my hometown and spend time with family and friends.
Written statement on Jerome Ersland's Commutation Application
On Monday, the Pardon and Parole Board couldn't agree on moving forward with the commutation request.
"I don't know that he's served enough, sorry that might not be the answer you wanna hear but I don't know that forever is the answer either," said Sean Malloy, a Pardon and Parole Board Member.
In the end, the board's votes denied commutation for Jerome Ersland.
The vote means as of now Ersland won't be eligible for parole until 2049.