Monday Memories: Adrian laundromat added a twist to the spin cycle
An enterprising laundromat owner in Adrian put a fresh spin on working for a loss – he added a slimming salon next door. Patrons of the All Day-All Night Laundromat could load the washing machine, wander next door with a stack of quarters and sweat away extra pounds on exercise machines. In this December 1960 Blade archive photo, Barbara Dalton is trying out the vibrating belt. Women who wanted to shed holiday pounds the following month could exercise while finishing a chore, using stationary cycles, elevated massage rollers and other devices. Owner Alton B. McGehee kept the salon open during the day for homemakers and until 9 p.m. for women who worked outside of the home. The machines operated on quarters for 10 minutes a session. Go to to purchase more historical photos taken by our award-winning staff of photographers, past and present, or to purchase combinations of stories and photos.