Sanctuary Cities Are in Insurrection
Democrats in general, and progressives in particular, call the January riot on Capitol Hill an insurrection. However, they conveniently ignore the actual insurrection that has been going on in Sanctuary cities since San Francisco declared itself to be one 1985.
People such as Washington DC’s new archbishop Robert McElroy … should be prosecuted for aiding insurrection.
The U.S. code defines insurrection as “Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
At the present time, thirteen states have communities that identify themselves as sanctuary cities, which are generally defined as places that forbid community resources — including police — to be used in enforcing Federal immigration laws. This exactly fits the definition of insurrection in the U.S. code. Donald Trump would be advised to clamp down on those communities as did Abraham Lincoln with the states in rebellion during he Civil War.
The Trump administration should warn the sanctuary cities that they will be considered to be in a state of rebellion if they do not rescind their declarations. If they do not they should be placed in receivership by the federal government with their mayors and city legislators under threat of federal prosecution if they do not comply.
The same would apply to entire states if they actively defy the federal crackdown on illegal immigration. California’s Governor Gavin Newsom has made noises about actively defying the Trump Administration on this matter. The threat of 10 years in the slammer and ineligibility for further federal office might well cool his ardor to be a revolutionary leader.
How to End an Insurrection
How would this work? Similar to Reconstruction, the President would appoint a federal administrator to govern by fiat until the city administration revokes the sanctuary city statutes. If the mayor and city council refuse to comply, they would face federal prosecution. The same holds true with citizens abetting insurrection. People such as Washington DC’s new archbishop Robert McElroy, who has been an active advocate for defying federal law should be prosecuted for aiding insurrection. A senior cleric in an orange jump suit would do wonders for emphasizing the separation of church and state; it would also encourage real Catholics tired of the current Pope’s social activism.
Shoring up the border will be a Trump priority, but defeating the enemies within will be needed to restore American sovereignty. Localities and even entire states have been exceeding their constitutional authority for years. Ronald Reagan was the last President to come down hard on organizations that defy the feds when he fired the air traffic controllers for illegally striking. Unfortunately, he ignored San Francisco’s sanctuary declaration as meaningless because illegal immigration was not at today’s crisis level and — well — San Francisco. The time has come for Mr. Trump to have a real Reagan moment.
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Gary Anderson lectures on Alternative Analysis at the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs.
The post Sanctuary Cities Are in Insurrection appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.