Should You Guess on the ACT? 5 Guessing Strategies
Because the ACT has no penalty for guessing, you should always guess on the ACT if you don’t know the answer.After all, leaving a question blank and guessing are functionally the same.This article will focus less on the technical aspects of whether it’s beneficial to guess on the ACT and more on strategies for guessing that might lead you to the right answer. After reading this guide, you should be able to score some additional lucky points on the ACT!Strategy 1: Eliminate Answer Choices Before GuessingThe number one rule of guessing on the ACT is try to minimize your guessing.The first thing you should do when you come across a question that (at least partially) stumps you is to use the process of elimination.The more choices you can cross off, the better your chances of getting the question right will be.Don’t guess blindly just because you think you don’t know the answer; rather, read all the answer choices. Sometimes a question that seems difficult will be less so after you review...