I’ve been hit with £25,000 in ULEZ fines for a vehicle I haven’t owned since February – it’s been a nightmare
A MAN has revealed he was issued nearly £25,000 in ULEZ fines for a vehicle he hadn’t owned for nearly a year.
Bilal Yousaf, 44, from Glasgow, Scotland, had his Renault Master repossessed in February 2024 after he was forced to give up work. However, his details were seemingly still linked to the van.
Then, in March, Bilal – who says he hasn’t been to London in around 10 years – began receiving penalty notices from TfL, claiming he received on average “five fines a day” at their peak.
He says TfL even passed his details to a collection agency, which also began to send him letters.
Bilal says he contacted TfL numerous times to inform them of their mistake, but had no success in getting the fines withdrawn or stopped.
He even reached out to the solicitors who dealt with the repossession of his van, but they too failed to respond.
Speaking to Sun Motors, Bilal said: “I’ve spoken to TfL and I’ve sent them all of the proof that I no longer own the van, including the documents from the solicitors who dealt with the repossession.
“I’ve spoken to them but they’re just not willing to help; they’re ignoring my emails and calls.
“Somebody’s made a blunder on their side, either the solicitors or the auctioneers they gave the vehicle to.”
He says he also spoke to the DVLA, who informed him he would have to wait six weeks for an answer – all the while the letters kept piling up.
For Bilal, who is out of work and suffering from a long-term condition, the situation put an immense strain on his life and his family.
He said: “It’s putting a strain on my family, it’s putting a strain on me. No one knows what’s going on here.
What is ULEZ?
The ULEZ policy was introduced in 2019 in a bid to cut pollution in the city of London.
ULEZ fines drivers of motors that do not meet certain emissions standards, encouraging drivers to use vehicles that meet the requirements.
Modern, environmentally-efficient cars are allowed to enter the Ultra Low Emission Zones without having to pay a charge.
The policy also urges members of the public to think twice about how they travel, asking them to consider using public transport, or walking or cycling to their destinations.
At the end of July 2023, plans to expand the ULEZ were ruled lawful by the High Court.
The expansion was then put in place from August 29, 2023.
The money made from the ULEZ charge is being reinvested into making London’s air cleaner and improving transport networks across the city.
“I’ve not been able to work, and I’m trying to get a solicitor to help me but I can’t afford the legal fees.”
After speaking to Bilal, Sun Motors later reached out to TfL to ask for an explanation and a comment on his predicament.
A TfL spokesperson said: “We are very sorry for the distress that Mr Yousaf has experienced.
“When we received his representation, we requested additional evidence from him to validate the vehicle transfer.
“As we did not receive this, the representation was rejected and the matter progressed to enforcement agents.
“We are satisfied Mr Yousaf is no longer the registered keeper of this vehicle and have contacted him to cancel the fines.”
TfL also reminded drivers that they have a few options when they receive a penalty charge notice; pay half the amount within 14 days, pay the full amount within 28 days, or challenge the notice.
Challenges can be made on six different grounds, and TfL will also consider special circumstances.
In Bilal’s case, TfL says that they needed more information, such as a valid postcode, to confirm the transfer of vehicles.
TfL also urges anyone who gets a PCN to contact them, especially if they are having difficulties.
Bilal described the subsequent resolution as a “massive relief.”
He added: “I couldn’t sleep without thinking about this, but since yesterday I feel so much lighter.”
He also thanked his local MP, Martin Rhodes, and his constituency, who spoke to TfL on the matter.