Presidents Jimmy and Joe: Goodbye and Good Riddance
My readers of these past eight years know I do not write gleefully over the dead. We all eventually die, whether righteous or evil, having served G-d the Creator and contributed to our society or having wasted our one glorious opportunity in this world to do either or both. Lincoln died. Moses died. Those now living will die until Messianic times. So there is something uneasy about crowing over the dead. Our time will come, too. Therefore, I am not really going to go after the dead here. Rather, I will leave Joe Biden alone.
Let’s be clear: the same fake media now canonizing Saint Jimmy has lied to us for at least half a century — and really quite more. They not only have lost their way but more importantly have lost their sway. Not enough, but much. That — perhaps more than any other takeaway from the recent presidential election — is the glaring revelation we have witnessed. Despite all the media lies and the piling on, their result: pfft!
The Lies
Trump colluded with Putin. The Hunter laptop was a Russian deception. Nick, the kid in Covington, Ky., was an anti-Black and anti-Indian Catholic racist. Trump has dementia and insiders agree the 25th Amendment must be invoked. Biden is sharp as a steak knife and at the top of his game.
Trump (though actually describing how an economic development could lead to a financial bloodbath) supposedly asserted instead that, if he lost the election, there would be an insurrectional bloodbath. While actually saying that neocon Liz Cheney should back up her warmongering by going to fight in Iraq and experience first-hand what our brave soldiers do — having a rifle pointed at their faces — Trump supposedly was saying that Liz Cheney, because of her oppositional political views, should have a gun pointed at her face in America (and presumably be shot).
Done? Nope. Just starting.
The “very fine people” at Charlottesville. COVID Chinese lab leak theory. Jussie Smollett. (Remember Kamala Harris’s tweet?) Border patrol officers on horses whipped illegal aliens like Confederacy slaves. The travel ban against people from discrete anti-American dictatorships, both Muslim and non-Muslim — but not from a great many other Muslim countries — was a “Muslim Travel Ban.” Black Lives Matter is a normative civil rights group.
The assassinated ISIS cutthroat Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was a contemplative intellectual theological scholar and holy man. Trump was disgracing deceased veterans by intruding himself into Arlington National Cemetery without being invited by Gold Star families. The “cages” where the children of illegal aliens were being held at the border were built by Trump. (Obama built and implemented them). Illegals were being forced to drink water from toilets. Trump is an antisemite. Trump is a fascist who will overturn the Constitution. The Steele Dossier.
Thus the lies — and so many more.
Piling On
Every presidential debate was marked by profoundly imbalanced questioning and one-sided dubious “fact-checking.” Remember Candace Crowley and Mitt Romney — and so many before and since. Kamala Harris’s softball interviews by shills, supporters, and Democrat hacks in the media. Endless media shenanigans to promote her, from Al Sharpton, and his $500,000 payoff, to Oprah, and the million dollar transfer, to NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” sneaking Harris into their weekly episode three days before the election. The entire orbit — planet — of mainstream TV Late Night “Comedy”: Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Myers, Jimmy Fallon. All the larger networks except Fox News.
Any gambler would have thought that the one-way monopolistic media brainwashing would have put Biden–Harris over the top by a landslide. However, Trump’s overwhelming “Swing State” sweep, augmented by his popular vote win, evidenced that, yes, the media has sway with some, but a small majority of voters finally, after a half-century and more, have internalized tuning them out.
We who never missed a Johnny Carson episode or those of his immediate successors — Jay Leno, David Letterman, and the many pretenders — have not watched Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon, and Myers for so long that we barely know they exist, much less what they say. Same with “Saturday Night Live.” The moment that the New York Times and Washington Post started publishing summaries of “Saturday Night Live” sketches in their Monday news sections, we knew that the apolitical days of Roseanne Roseannadanna and Samurai Deli were over. We moved.
It is against this background — critical context — that one must understand the media’s present weeklong hagiography of Saint James Earl Carter. I am an Orthodox rabbi, so I beg my Catholic readers’ indulgence. But my understanding is that a saint must have performed at least confirmed miracles in his or her life. I witnessed Saint Jimmy’s miracles:
- After 120 years, briefly predating the Civil War and extending through 1976, America’s Deep South was impenetrably and unalterably Democrat — “Dixiecrats.” A state-wide Republican could not get elected dog catcher from Georgia to Alabama, from Louisiana to Mississippi, from Arkansas to Tennessee, and so forth. All southern U.S. senators and governors, like Saint Jimmy, were Democrats. Remember how Texas went for Lyndon Johnson and Lloyd Bentsen? Arkansas for Clinton and Tennessee for Al Gore and his dad? George Wallace. Lester Maddox. Saint Jimmy single-handedly, in his 1980 race against Ronald Reagan, turned the 125-year Dixiecrat Deep South from Democrat to Republican forevermore. I dare not compare it to turning water to wine (John 2:1-11) — absolutely not — but for a man who lived in our American midst, that was a miracle.
- Saint Jimmy brought us an almost 19 percent mortgage rate. By the time he left office in January 1981, he had left Ronald Reagan with an inflation rate so uncontrollable that it hit 18.45 percent until Reaganomics tamed the spiral. This was a supernatural wonder. We witnessed it. It happened. Some might call it thaumaturgy. But, no, it was a miracle.
- Presaging the Obama and Biden failures, Carter miraculously had his CIA pay $4 million to the Shiite Islamic Mullah crazies of Iran while the pro-American Shah was in power. (That would be $22 million today.) It is hard to analyze or even recount that on a plane comparable to Obama and Biden transferring billions to Iran because they merely were Saint Jimmy’s apostles. But the notion of buying off the Islamist crazies was otherworldly. It required a strong personal awareness of Saint Jimmy’s halcyon status to bring Iran to the change it has enjoyed these past 50 years. On his watch, he miraculously managed to leave Americans hostage in Iran for 444 days. This was a miracle. Yes, skeptics will suggest political explanations to deny the saint’s miracle. But all religions have their scoffers, deniers, and atheists. Yet, for the believing, the truth of the miracle is so clear and happened before our very eyes. The miracle of leaving Iran in control of Americans for 444 days ended the moment that Saint Jimmy departed his pulpit, taking his aura with him. Suddenly, the world reverted to natural events, and the hostages were released just as Reagan was being sworn in as the 40th president.
Accordingly, it is challenging to accuse the media of outright fakery and falsehood for devoting the past week to canonizing Saint Jimmy. He was a saint, and that is hard for me to acknowledge because he was such a vicious, contemptible antisemite. He taught terrible things about Jews in his Sunday School classes.
He overtly befriended Yasser Arafat and advocated for Arafat and Hamas while regularly deprecating Israel in racist and antisemitic terms that compelled almost every public Jewish personality — even established liberal Democrats — to declare him an antisemite. He raised money for Arafat’s P.L.O. He even coached Arafat on how to be more presentable in the West and even wrote a speech for Arafat to deliver.
In 2015, he generated an uproar when supporting Hamas. Fourteen leading members of his own “Carter Center” resigned over his antisemitism. He blew them off: “They all happen to be Jewish Americans.” New York Times columnist William Safire put it plainly in December 1978: “Carter Blames the Jews.”
It is fitting that the dishonest mainstream media, built on a culture of lying and false “fact-checking,” now would seek to distort history by grasping at shreds in the aftermath of their shattering collapse in the face of the Trump triumph over their combined efforts. Many people still trust those fading media, but a majority of Americans no longer do. In their effort to rewrite Carter’s “legacy” of failure and antisemitism, the media rely on the public to have forgotten or never even to have known about him.
Indeed, those aged 52 and under never knowingly experienced him. They never saw him mess up America’s energy supply so badly that, as president, he went on national television wearing a sweater urging us all to wear sweaters and to “make sacrifices” because “the energy shortage is permanent.” So many did not know his years nor experience the damage he did. That is the best way that university professors and media brainwash the public: by drawing from topics that others do not know, falsifying history as alternate facts, and then brainwashing.
But many of us indeed witnessed Saint Jimmy and his certifiable miracles with our own eyes and lives. We remember. The Olympians who devoted four, eight, or twelve years of their lives training to compete in the 1980 games but were barred by Carter in a meaningless gesture against Moscow that did not parallel in any manner, shape, or form the moral challenge posed by Hitler’s 1936 Berlin Olympics. He destroyed their lives.
Auguring the contemporary Biden Crime Family, Carter’s brother used his access to the president to lobby politically for Libyan Madman Muammar Ghaddafi — for which he was paid at least $219,000 (a $220,000 loan for which he repaid one dollar) and, according to many, $2 million. That is $11 million in today’s numbers. ($220,000 in today’s numbers is $1,215,000.)
And, yes, Saint Jimmy portrayed himself as a “man of the people” by publicly carrying his own luggage. However, those close to him later revealed that, when the media cameras were not rolling, he always had the Secret Service carry his luggage. A small quibble? Well, how about this: When carrying a smaller piece of luggage demonstrably over his shoulder for the cameras to capture, the luggage was empty.
Biden is approaching sainthood next, very soon. His Easter rabbit is ready for the canonization.
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The Brilliance of Trump’s New Campaign Suing Fake News
If Only We Had More Daniel Pennys!
In Praise of G-d and of His Agent for Change — Kamala Harris
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The post Presidents Jimmy and Joe: Goodbye and Good Riddance appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.