Is Poker Still Profitable in 2024? The Hard Evidence
People ask me all the time if poker still profitable or not. Or they want to know if you can still make a lot of money playing online poker in particular.So here is the short answer.Yes, poker is still very profitable but you have to be willing to work hard to get it. It is not as easy to make big money in poker anymore. You have to study a lot more and have a professional approach to the game.But some people are pessimistic about poker these days with the tighter games and governments constantly meddling in the industry, just to name a few reasons.So in this article I am going to discuss why poker is still profitable these days and how to ensure that you are maximizing your success at the tables.There is no question that the games today are simply harder to beat than they were 5 or 10 years ago. Many fish have either gone broke or quit. And many people have simply learned to play better.Now if you play at the lower stakes in particular there are obviously still clear exceptions to thi...