An Evil Within 2 Sequel Could Explain What Happened to THESE Characters
In 2014, Tango Gameworks released its first title, The Evil Within.Shinji Mikami's mind-bending horror game juggled many different plots,some of which were left unresolved at the story's conclusion. The 2017 sequel The Evil Within 2addressedsome of those lingering threads, but it left other ones alone. With Microsoft recentlyacquiringTango's parent company Bethesda and repeatedly acknowledgingThe Evil Withinthroughmarketing and the recent release of the original title on Game Pass,a third entry seems possible. Here are somedangling plot threadsanEvil Within 3should tackle. RELATED:Where Should id Software Go After DOOM Eternal? Joseph Oda's History and Fate The firstgame centered around a trio of Krimson P.D. detectives, Sebastian Castellanos, Juli Kidman and Joseph Oda. The three are separated within the twisted world of STEM for themajority of the plot, only encountering each other a handful of times. Joseph in particular assists Sebastian on several occasions. As Kidman'strue intent...