The Guardian is an enemy encountered in The Evil Within 2. Contents1 Description2 Symbolism3 The Evil Within 23.1 Chapter 2: Something Not Quite Right3.2 Chapter 5: Lying in Wait3.3 Chapter 7: Lust for Art4 Strategy5 Death Animations6 Achievements.7 Trivia8 Gallery8.1 Concept Art8.2 ScreenshotsDescription[]The Guardian is a towering abomination that stands at least twice the height of Sebastian Castellanos, and is comprised of the mutilated remains of various women murdered by Stefano Valentini, mostly their heads, each one wearing a different expression, with the central one facing forward and sporting a wide, maniacal grin. Its body is almost tree-like, with a large top half connected to its pelvis via a large spine, though how the creature maintains balance when it runs is not explained. The Guardian's right arm is equipped with a large buzzsaw blade which it uses to great effect against its victims.The Guardian constantly emits hysterical giggles which changes to a very deep, throa...