I share my boyfriend of 9 years with my gay best friend – technically we’re a throuple but it’s complicated
A WOMAN has revealed that her boyfriend of nine years realised he was bisexual after falling in love with her gay best friend, and the trio are now in a throuple.
James and Sarah met back in high school and had a pretty conventional relationship until they moved into a one-bedroom, apartment with Hunter after they had finished university.
The duo had never considered adding another person into their relationship before, as Sarah admitted that she is a jealous person.
However, Hunter began to realise that he cared for Sarah more than a friend, despite being a gay man.
At the same time, he also began to have feelings for James, who at the time was identifying as a straight man.
Sarah then also realised she had feelings for Hunter, but was left confused as Hunter was gay.
Eventually, Hunter admitted that he had feelings for both Sarah and James, to which Sarah responded, “same.”
James was at first unsure, but after they decided to try out being a throuple, realised that he really loves and care about Hunter.
In their dynamic, James and Sarah have sex and James and Hunter have sex, but Hunter and Sarah do not have sex, as Hunter is a gay man.
However, Hunter is bi-romantic, meaning that he is in love with Sarah, but just doesn’t have the desire to sleep with her.
The throuple have received plenty of criticism about their relationship online, with trolls suggesting that it’s just a phase and that James and Sarah must be going through a rough patch in their relationship.
Their friends and family have also not all been supportive of the throuple.
“One of my friends thought it was an April Fool’s prank, she was weirded out by it,” Sarah told Love Don’t Judge.
The trio all sleep in the same bed, and take it in turns to sleep in the middle of the bed.
“We share a lot of things actually,” Hunter said.
“Yeah, my boyfriend,” Sarah shot back in a jokey manner.
What is polyamory?
Polyamory is the practice of having romantic relationships with more than one person at the same time, with the knowledge and consent of all parties.
It can refer to relationships where one person has multiple partners or spouses, or where all parties are in a relationship with each other, for example in a throuple.
According to You Gov, 6.8% of people in the UK have been in a polyamorous relationship.
“I never thought I could love a woman,” said Hunter.
“You’ve definitely changed my perspective on things,” he added to Sarah.
“You guys have both definitely helped me to grow as a person and become the best version of myself, stepping out of my comfort zone to do something I never thought possible,” said James.
“Knowing that you guys love each other and love me just as much as I love you, it makes me so happy,” said Sarah.