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What is Project Blue Beam? Bizarre alien conspiracy theory reemerges after drone hysteria

Multiple objects, appearing to be drones, have appeared in skies on the east coast of America (Picture: AP)

Conspiracy theories have run wild after multiple unexplained aerial phenomenons were spotted across the skies in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Maryland.

The flying objects have been rumoured to be drones, planes, or even UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena). Even the FBI is not entirely sure what has been seen in the sky. One thing is for sure – it has left people panicked.

One bizarre conspiracy theory has re-emerged in light of the recent ‘drone’ activity and is being pushed by right-leaning influencers and celebrities.

Roseanne Barr, a former actress and outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, wrote on X: ‘Now you see why I mention Project Blue Beam every week on my podcast…’

‘Project Blue Beam’ refers to an outlandish theory that the ‘global elite’, which includes high-ranking government members, are attempting to establish a totalitarian world government by orchestrating fake alien or celestial events.

There is no basis to support this theory, which Canadian journalist Serge Monast first proposed.

The mysterious ‘drones’ have been spotted in New Jersey (Picture: AP)

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Monast claimed ‘holographic’ technology would project religious imagery, catered to all beliefs, to trick populations into believing the world was ending, and allowing governments to exert totalitarian control.

The conspiracy theory has gained momentum as the US government still hasn’t revealed what is behind the ‘drones’ in the sky.

Even mystic Baba Vanga appeared to predict some sort of aerial anomaly. For 2025, she predicted aliens or alien-related events in the future.

What did Donald Trump say about the drone hysteria?

President-elect Donald Trump chimed in on the chaos, writing on Truth Social: ‘Mystery drone sightings all over the country. Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge?

‘I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!’

The FBI has said they do not know who or what is behind the occurrence, but some have suggested foreign actors could be behind the mystery.

Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew wrote: ‘Could it be China? Absolutely. Iran is a definite possibility.

‘The Pentagon does not know what these drones are or where they are coming from. I have highly credible sources who believe Iran could have a ship off the east coast. We are not being told the truth. They are treating the American public like we are stupid.’

Despite speculations that other countries could be ‘spying on US citizens,’ no foreign involvement has been suspected officially.

The FBI said they have no evidence they post a national security threat (Picture: AP)

Both the federal Homeland Security Department and FBI said they have no evidence that the sightings pose a national security or public safety threat or have a foreign nexus.

Since the first sighting, the FBI has already received more than 3,000 tips from people who have allegedly spotted them.

Investigators are appealing for more information from witnesses, including specific times, locations, and video and photo evidence.

Are drones really being seen in the sky?

William Austin, president of Warren County Community College, which has a drone technology degree programme, and is coincidentally located in one of the sighting hotspots.

After examining footage online, he said airplanes are being misidentified as drones.

He cited an optical effect called parallax, which is the apparent shift of an object when viewed from different perspectives.

He encouraged people to download flight and drone tracker apps so they can better understand what they are looking at.

‘It represents the United States of America in 2024,’ Austin said about the theories around the sightings.

‘We’ve lost trust in our institutions, and we need it.’

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