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Timing sandhill cranes and taking good photographs

MEDARYVILLE, Ind. — A marsh hawk, the first wild thing I noticed Thursday, erupted from a field northwest of the power plant outside Wheatfield.

Around the power plant is where John Vukmirovich and I normally see the most migrating sandhill cranes near Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area, southeast of Valparaiso.

The weeks around Thanksgiving traditionally are the time for peak fall migration at J-P. With the weather change, that should hold true again this year.

I went solo this year, stopping on my way to hunt bear. I wanted to photograph sandhills in the snow.

The first sandhills crossed Route 49 north of the power plant. I saw a couple of dozen more around the power plant, places where Vukmirovich and I usually spot hundreds. The oddest sight was a strapping 10-point buck cantering along the high wire fence topped by barbed wire at the power plant.

I managed passable photos of sandhills high-stepping through corn stubble in the snow.

Fortunately, Bill Peak and Paul Vriend sent wonderful photos from their trips last week. So I asked for tips.

‘‘As for equipment and technique, most of my shots are taken from my car,’’ Peak emailed. ‘‘I put a piece of pipe insulation on my window to reduce vibrations and rest the lens on it. Sitting in the car allows me to use it as a blind. I always use a 400mm lens, as I find the shots are always farther out in the field. That’s about it. Very simple. Then just sit back and wait for the birds.’’

Sandhill cranes near Wheatfield, Indiana, near Jasper-Pulaski FWA.

Bill Peak

Vriend recommended looking in the fields before going to the J-P viewing tower. He also recommended using your car as a blind, noting: ‘‘Folks will get closer to the sandhills in their cars than if they remain solely on the platform. Try to roll up with the engine off while maintaining enough distance not to scare them.’’

Use common sense, even on seldom-traveled country roads.

‘‘Finally, my No. 1 tip for wildlife photography in general and sandhills in particular (beyond the camera’s appropriate aperture, shutter speed and ISO) is background,’’ Vriend emailed. ‘‘Look for a location that has dense green or contrasting trees behind the birds or something similar. Sometimes a few feet can really make a difference. Really highlights the birds when they take off.’’

Few people were at the viewing tower, likely because of the weather. Parking lots usually are packed. The people there talked about photography and high-end optics. They included two women who trek annually from the Pittsburgh area. Half the others were from the Chicago area.

As the spitting sky turned a darker shade of gray, flying ceased.

It was time.

It’s best to see the sandhills at J-P just before sunset. Details are at

Sandhill cranes feed in the snow Thursday near Wheatfield, Indiana.

Dale Bowman

Illinois hunting

Hunter reports indicate that the use of rifles skyrocketed during the first part of Illinois’ firearm deer season. More next week.

Stray cast

I didn’t see any bear scat while hunting Sunday, but I heard some when I had enough reception to check the Vikings-Bears score.


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