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RILEY GAINES: Battling for fairness in women’s sports is risky but necessary

Starting November 27, six select women’s volleyball teams from the Mountain West Conference will compete for their conference championship in Las Vegas. But now, 11 players and a coach from five of these teams are testifying in federal court, speaking out about how their First Amendment and Title IX rights were violated by the conference. Talk about a high-stakes, emotionally charged few weeks for these women... 

At the center of this controversy is San Jose State University (SJSU). Despite an impressive record of 14-5 (20-5 including invites and tournaments), seven of their wins are illegitimate as they came from forfeits — teams refusing to compete against them. Technically, all of their wins (and losses) are illegitimate. Why? Because SJSU’s women’s volleyball team includes a male player. 

Teams like Southern Utah, Boise State, Wyoming, Utah State, and Nevada have had enough. They’re taking a stand in court, asking for losses against SJSU to be rescinded and calling for the male player to be barred from the conference championships. Among those testifying are a female captain of the SJSU team and an SJSU assistant coach, both breaking ranks to challenge the unfairness they’ve witnessed. 


This movement, dubbed "Project BOYcott" (emphasis on "boy"), is rooted in frustration, a sense of injustice and a refusal to compromise on the safety and fairness women have fought generations to secure. The University of Nevada Reno left no room for questions as to why they conceded: "We demand our right to safety and fair competition. We refuse to participate in any match that advances injustice against female athletes." 

And that’s the heart of the issue. Allowing a man to compete on a women’s team is neither safe nor fair. 

This is not about hatred or animosity toward an individual or a group of people. It’s about upholding the rights of women to compete in safe environments where they have a chance to succeed. For decades, strong women like my grandma fought tirelessly to ensure girls could succeed in sports, and we owe it to them — and the next generation — to not back down now. 

A man’s feelings should never outweigh a woman’s right to physical safety. If you believe otherwise, you’re not the progressive, social justice warrior you think you are — you’re a misogynist. 

This isn’t just happening in the Mountain West. Across the nation, athletes and schools are taking similar stands. Stone Ridge Christian High just forfeited a match against SF Waldorf after discovering their opponent’s star player was a 6’2" male. The school’s principal made their stance clear, stating, "God wonderfully and immutably created each person as male or female," and refusing to endorse the notion that biology can be ignored. 

In Massachusetts, Dighton-Rehoboth High forfeited a field hockey match after a female player suffered severe facial and dental injuries the previous year from a slap shot to the face by a male competitor.  

In New Hampshire, two high school soccer teams refused to compete earlier this year for similar reasons, with one parent bluntly stating: "This is about biology and the increased risk when playing a contact sport against the opposite sex." 

The theme is clear: girls’ safety is at risk, fair competition is vanishing, and people are finally standing up. 


These young women deserve immense respect for their courage. It’s no small thing for high school and college athletes to challenge their coaches, administrators, and institutions. These girls have skin in the game — they’ve sacrificed years of hard work to perfect their craft. Standing up for their rights isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. 

The simple solution? Remove male athletes from women’s teams. Unfortunately, that would require leaders with the backbone and moral clarity to act. We've all seen, that's in short supply. Instead, the burden is left for the female athletes themselves to bear.  

When I was staring down a 6'4" man a few lanes over from me at our NCAA Championships in 2022, I wasn't willing to forfeit. Why should I have to compromise? After all, I was the one who worked hard to be there. It didn't seem fair to step down. And guess what? It's not fair. And it's not easy. But no one ever said it was going to be. They said it would be worth it. These girls and women taking this decisive action realized that sooner than I did, and I applaud their leadership and willingness to do the hard thing.  

While it may appear these girls are standing down, it's quite the opposite. They are standing up for something far greater than just themselves. They're standing up for the next generation of girls who aspire to shatter glass ceilings in the world of sports and beyond.  

We are witnessing a cultural shift. Cancel culture is losing its grip, and people are reclaiming their right to free speech and fairness. Look no further than the viral "Trump dance" spreading through college and professional sports — it’s a lighthearted yet powerful symbol of defiance, patriotism, and the fading of political correctness. 

Let’s hope it becomes easier for more teams to BOYcott unfair matches. The brave girls and women mentioned here are paving the way, showing us that we can’t wait for leaders to do the right thing unprovoked. Change starts with us. 


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