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Tips to prepare for a tremendous Thanksgiving


Watch Larry’s most recent “Week in Review” video.

Before we know it, the holiday season will be upon us. Wouldn’t it be wise to ponder some helpful insights to make it more memorable and meaningful?

May I suggest something simple and practical you can do to first prepare yourself so you have a more thankful heart? Then consider trying some things to cultivate a more inspirational time when you gather together on the traditional Thanksgiving Day.

Testimony time

The Bible says, Satan is defeated “by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony …” (Revelation 12:11). Have you taken time recently for reflection upon your conversion experience to inspire fresh appreciation for all God’s done for you and how your life was miraculously transformed by the grace of God? Then will you tell your testimony more consistently to win others to Jesus? It’s been said: “The man with a testimony has it all over the man with an argument!”

Remember your life B.C. (Before Christ) and where you were at? Never take for granted the miraculous transformation that has taken place. Then sing afresh the words penned by former slave trader, blasphemer John Newton who wrote: “Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.”

Today we had a young man come to our home to discuss some renovations, and when he began sharing his testimony my wife and I were so uplifted and couldn’t hold back declaring, “Praise the Lord!”

I regularly listen to Billy Graham’s classic sermons. During one he related this testimony, which was mailed to him:

Before you came to our city, I was 18 years old with a very big chip on my shoulder. I thought God didn’t love me, and I thought no one loved me! I thought there was no meaning to life.

I convinced myself that I was having a lot of fun as I was going out with guys and getting drunk. I hated my family who viewed me as a loser. One of my brothers sexually abused me; the other one beat me up.

I heard you were coming to speak, and I determined I would not go! But then I was told by my boss that I was assigned to do first aid every night at the meetings, so I went and I mocked you.

The first night I have to admit I started listening. The next service I thought, I don’t deserve God’s love and really don’t care. Then unexpectedly I sensed God’s love for me for the first time! I responded and received Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
I want to know the God who loves me more than anything, and that’s why I write this letter. I have since been received back home. Thank you!

The crowd erupted in applause as Billy Graham said, “We receive hundreds of letters like this every week.” You and I are called to reach others, and our testimony can “plant a seed.”

Try it this Thanksgiving

Maybe your personal testimony is not as dramatic as the woman above, but you have a story that can ignite fresh gratitude to God plus draw others into a personal relationship with our Savior and Lord.

Sitting around the table this Thanksgiving, how about sharing your story and invite others to do the same? Use discretion if younger ears are listening, but do it in faith and trust God to use it to foster an attitude of gratitude and change the spiritual atmosphere in the room.

How Thanksgiving Started

Living in our increasingly secular society, it’s important we remind ourselves and our families of the pertinent facts concerning this holiday of Thanksgiving.

It was in 1863 that our Christian president Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of “Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father Who dwells in heaven.” This commemorated the first Thanksgiving holiday that was a joyous event celebrated by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims who enjoyed a plentiful harvest after their prayers and hard work redeemed a very difficult first year in the new world.

Remember that the Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact stating their purpose in leaving England was to come to America for religious freedom, not out of selfish greed. That purpose was clearly stated: “For the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith.” Subsequently, they joined together for three days of prayer to thank God for the harvest and the blessings He bestowed upon them.

It’s important to review these historical facts with family members and guests lest we fall prey to thinking this is just a day off for feasting, football and a Friday of shopping deals!

Areas to give thanks

So your Thanksgiving get-together is an enriching experience for all, remind everyone before a prayer of blessing how Jesus healed 10 lepers, yet only one came back to say thank you. Then maybe cite some of the following quickly and briefly:

1. Thank God for sending His Son to redeem us from sin and judgment.

2. Thank God for the results of the recent election, displaying His mercy and opportunity for a turnaround in America.

3. Thank God for the gift of freedom upon which America was uniquely founded.

4. Thank God for the abundance of food we enjoy each day with hunger the No. 1 cause of death in the world.

5. Thank God for our health, medical technology and personnel who keep us healthy. Yearly more than 1 million children die from preventable diseases globally because they lack treatment we can easily take for granted.

6. Thank God for the gift of sight, reminding ourselves, “The eye is the lamp of the body.” For our eyesight to function, over 2,000 components must all work properly!

7. Thank God for our parents and the promise: “Honor your father and your mother … that you days may be long and that it may be well with you” (Deuteronomy 5:16).

8. Thank God for clean running water available in our sinks, washing machines, dishwashers and toilets. More than 1 billion people lack access to clean drinking water, causing sickness and complex problems worldwide.

9. Thank God for the wonderful gift of electricity and ponder how more than one-quarter of the human population does not have access to it! What would life be like without the multitude of items in our homes powered this way?

10. Thank God for our parents, teachers and educators, whether it’s public, private or done at home. One out of every four children in America grows up without the ability to read, which translates into an adult literacy rate of just 79%. What a blessing to have teachers and the blessing of learning!

Here’s the deal: Review again the list of areas that can contribute to making this Thanksgiving a fantastic experience as we cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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