RSCRSExperience, commonly abbreviated as exp or xp, is a measure of progress in a certain skill. It is obtained by performing tasks related to that skill. Experience can also sometimes be gained by performing certain other tasks not necessarily related to the skill, such as completing quests, receiving the Book of Knowledge from the Surprise Exam random event, receiving a lamp from the genie random event, doing certain mini-games, getting a lamp from Cap'n Izzy No-Beard for completing a part of the Karamja Achievement Diary, etc. After gaining a certain amount of experience, players will advance to the next level in that skill, which can result in new abilities, amongst other things. The amount of experience needed for the next level increases by approximately 10% each level. For example, 83 experience is required for advancement to level 2, while 91 experience is required for advancement to level 3.Below is an experience table showing the amount of total experience needed for each lev...