F*ck You Philippe Reiness, Somnambulist Of The Highest Order
The knives have come out. CNN is hosting many of these right wing Democrats who make millions off the party and its members and then use right wing rhetoric to take it down after their own failures.
I put up the entire transcript of his sleepwalking nonsense of what the Democratic party is. Reiness' version of what what he perceives the party is comes right out of the the dead hands of Roger Ailes.
It's ludicrous. Every "woke" complaint he has comes right out of the mouth of Christopher Rufo. Anus Reiness has taken Kellyanne Conway's alternative facts nonsense to the extreme. How CNN believes this man speaks for the party is beyond me.
REINESS: Either way, here's the problem, I'm not concerned right now what the right thinks about the Democratic Party.
I'm concerned about what I think about the Democratic Party. I don't like to echo the congressmen, all three of them, I don't like the fact that a small portion of our party is pretty much dictating where we are. That they are pretty much, we are being branded as the most extreme of us. It is not only politically problematic, as we just saw, because none of this stuff helped the other day.