Are your friends aging you, or are YOU making THEM look older
Do you ever meet up with your friends and feel that some of them are letting the side down? Unlike you they've never updated their hairstyle or beauty regime, and — to be blunt — they're ageing you by association, their greying hair, tired complexion or harsh black eyeliner instantly (and frustratingly) causing onlookers to add years to all of your speculative ages despite your best efforts to stay youthful.Or, whisper it, are you the one who stands out in your peer group, constantly puzzled that your friends appear so much fresher than you?Here a group of leading experts, from Kate and Camilla's hairdressers to Helen Mirren's stylist, reveal all the reasons why some women look so much older than their contemporaries — and share the top tips for your hair, face and body that can instantly knock off years... Read on to discoverthe top tips for your hair, face and body that can instantly knock off years...HairUpdate your styleYou found a style that worked for you 20 years ago and you've...