You may be asking yourself, "How do I get a bid to my dream sorority?”First, let’s talk about how sorority recruitment works. Have you ever seenThe BachelororThe Bachelorette? Sorority recruitment is similar. Round 1 is comparable to the first episode ofThe Bachelor. During this round, you will meet all of the sororities on your campus.After you meet all of the sororities, you select the sororities you want to go back to for Round 2. Also, The members are voting on the potential new members. They decide which potential new members to invite to Round 2.Then, at the beginning of Round 2, you will receive your invitation schedule. This schedule has the sororities you will be meeting for that round. Most potential new members assume their invitation schedule will have all of the sororities they voted to keep. That is not the case. During sorority recruitment, the sororities have the upper hand. They invite potential new members to each round just like the bachelor picks women to stay. Also...