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From preventative pills to liquorice and DIY acupuncture – 14 hangover cures that experts say actually work

AH, the hangover. 

The only guaranteed way to avoid the dreaded sore head, iffy tummy and alcohol-induced anxiety is not to drink.

With bank holidays approaching we have 14 hangover cures that actually work

But if you can’t say no to wine or two after work, at least stay hydrated

“It’s crucial to drink water or a non-alcoholic option alongside alcohol,” says Chandni Vadgama, nutritionist at Holland & Barrett.

“This ensures that with every loo break, your body has a ready supply of water to rehydrate it.”

As well as H2O, here are 13 more ways to stop a hangover in its tracks…


1. Pop A Pill

There is one ‘anti-hangover’ pill you take before drinking that will allegedly leave you feeling more refreshed the next day

A tablet to completely eradicate a hangover has yet to be invented, but there is one “anti-hangover” pill you take before drinking that will allegedly leave you feeling more refreshed the next day.

Developed by Swedish company De Faire Medical, Myrkl, £30 for 30 tablets, contains bacteria enriched with amino acid L-cysteine and vitamin B12, which activate in the gut before booze reaches the liver, reportedly breaking down alcohol faster and leaving you feeling less dreadful after a night on the cab sav. 

2. See the Light

“Darker drinks, such as red wine, rum and whisky, tend to cause a worse hangover than lighter liquids, like white wine, vodka and gin, because they contain natural chemicals called congeners that the lighter drinks don’t have,” says Dr Mehta. 

“Alcopops and coloured cocktails with additives and glucose-spiking syrups are harder for the liver to process and will make you feel worse,” adds Mays Al-Ali, a nutritionist at

“The same with bubbles. Carbonated drinks speed up the rate of alcohol absorption.” 

3. Scoff Liquorice

Liquorice is good for thwarting alcohol-induced dehydration

Clinician-scientist Professor Merlin Thomas suggests liquorice for thwarting alcohol-induced dehydration.

“The chemical that provides liquorice’s sweetness temporarily triggers your kidneys to make less urine (the opposite of what alcohol does).

“In theory, you’ll feel less dehydrated in the morning.” 

What causes a hangover?

The main reason people get hangovers is drinking too much alcohol, and there are a number of ways this is caused.

Booze is a diuretic, which causes increased passing of urine, which can lead to a dry mouth, headache, fatigue, and nausea.

Ethanol in alcohol can cause damage and irritation to cells and the toxin acetaldehyde can form when alcohol is broken down in the liver.

Alcohol also increases acid production in the stomach, which can irritate the stomach lining and cause a delay in the stomach emptying, which can cause stomach pain and vomiting.


4. Sip a ‘Safety Shot’

A new study has shown the bev can get to work in as little as 30 minutes

Safety Shot is the latest in a slew of products that claim to accelerate the breakdown of alcohol and replenish essential nutrients that help the body recover.

A new study, conducted by the Center for Applied Health Sciences in the US, has shown the bev can get to work in as little as 30 minutes.

However, experts are sceptical that the drink can effectively rid the body of booze in such a short space of time – and doing so could bring with it some nasty side effects.

According to the back of the can, the drink contains a blend of vitaminsminerals and botanical ingredients which the manufacturer says can help you bounce back faster by supporting mental clarity, hydration and overall well-being.

Sam Royle, a researcher at the University of Salford and a member of the Alcohol Hangover Research Group, said the evidence supporting the hangover-reducing effects of the ingredients listed on the can is “mixed, at best”.

“The mechanisms underlying hangovers are not fully understood, and whilst the product does include some ingredients that may be supposed to reduce inflammation or oxidative stress, which are thought to play a role in hangover symptomology, there are no actual, validated, hangover cures,” he previously told The Sun.

“Even if the product does increase the metabolism of alcohol, it may create undesirable effects based on the products of that metabolism, like acetate.”

5. Try ‘Tape Acupuncture’

You don’t need to book in for a pricey acupuncture session with this expert hack.

“Placing a strip of sticky tape horizontally on your forehead, between the eyebrows, activates acupuncture points, helping relieve hangover headaches,” says fitness trainer Claudia Kwayosa.

6. Get in a Pickle

Pickles are high in sodium, which is depleted during a hangover[/caption]

A bacon sarnie might be all you’re craving, but try pickles.

“Eating pickled foods is a great idea, if you can stomach them,” says Mays.

“They are high in sodium, which is depleted during a hangover.” 

“Pickle juice contains potassium and vitamin C, helping you feel energised,” adds Claudia, who also recommends tomato juice as it’s rich in vitamin C.

Turning it into a Bloody Mary is optional – the jury is still out on whether “hair of the dog” works.

7. Sip on Coconut Water 

Alcohol dehydrates us, sapping electrolytes, triggering fatigue, headaches and dizziness.

“Consume drinks rich in electrolytes, like milk, fruit juice and coconut water, or take over-the-counter electrolyte tablets before bed, so that absorption takes place as you sleep,” says Dr Mehta.

“People also swear by Berocca, but make sure it’s caffeine-free, otherwise it will worsen symptoms.”

8. Sweat It Out

Got the alcohol sweats? Lean into them.

“Saunas activate detoxification through sweating,” says wellness practitioner Tony Pemberton.

“They also lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. Blood pressure can increase from overdoing it with alcohol.”

Similarly, sweating through exercise works.

Mays says: “When we sweat, we release toxins through our skin, and this helps excrete the booze from our system quicker.

“Make sure you wipe the sweat off with a towel, so it isn’t reabsorbed into the bloodstream.”

On the other end of the spectrum, Claudia says: “A cold shower reduces inflammation and stimulates blood flow, reducing hangover symptoms.”

9. Boost Blood Sugars

“Alcohol is a stomach irritant, and the liver can get overwhelmed attempting to process more than it can handle,” explains Chandni.

“This results in alcohol being metabolised insufficiently and by-products causing nausea.

“As nausea can cause lack of appetite, the temptation is to avoid food, but this will make you feel worse.

“Sipping a light smoothie containing a small amount of protein is an ideal way to raise sustainable blood sugars to help you feel better.”

10. Soothe With Milk Thistle

“Protect against liver damage from excess alcohol by taking milk thistle,” says Chandni.

“It’s a traditional herbal medicinal product used to relieve symptoms associated with overindulgence, such as indigestion and an upset stomach.”

Try Holland & Barrett Milk Thistle 100mg, £9.99 for 30 capsules.  

11. Snack on Sunflower Seeds

Hangry? “Sugars in alcohol can cause the body to produce too much insulin,” says Chandni.

“Binge drinking can cause blood sugar levels to drop and leave you nursing a pounding head and hungry.”

What your body needs isn’t a fry-up, though. “Porridge or muesli with dried fruit and sunflower seeds will bring your blood sugar level back up and sustain it over several hours,” they add.

“Sunflower seeds are high in amino acid cysteine, which supports liver function.”

12. Don’t Nap!

“The day after the big night out, try not to nap unless essential,” says Hannah Shore, sleep expert at Silentnight.

“Use the “1, 2, 3” rule: one nap before 2pm for less than 30 minutes.

“Access natural light through the day, like going for a walk, to stop the feeling of wanting a nap.

“Then prioritise sleep at night, ensuring you go to bed when you are tired, to get back into a routine.” 

13. Nourish Your Tum

Your mum was right – lining your stomach before drinking really helps.

Avoid cheesy chips on the way home from the pub and instead fill up on a balanced meal ahead of any vino.

“Ensuring you’re well nourished before and after you drink alcohol will not only help prevent gastritis by lining the stomach, but will also help overcome the hypoglycaemia that gives the ‘down’ effect that occurs within hours of drinking,” says Dr Sanjay Mehta, GP at The London General Practice.

“A meal beforehand will slow the rate at which alcohol is absorbed by the small intestine and into the bloodstream, meaning you get drunk slower,” adds Chandni. 

14. Get Gut-Friendly

Try a cup of ginger tea or snack on crystallised ginger for hangover relief

“Ginger has traditionally been used for its anti-nausea effects,” says Chandni.

“But don’t reach for the ginger beer – most brands only have a tiny amount of natural ginger in them and offer no therapeutic benefits.

“Instead, try a cup of ginger tea or snack on crystallised ginger.”

“Kombucha or kefir are other gut-friendly drinks when you’ve had a few too many,” says Mays.

“They are full of healthy gut bacteria to help repopulate your microbiome and keep your queasy, hungover tummy happy.

“Drink them first thing, away from other foods, for optimum probiotic effects.”

Risks of drinking too much

The NHS advises both men and women to not exceed 14 units of booze a week on a regular basis.

You should also be spreading your drinking over three or more days if you regularly have as much as 14 units a week.

For reference, 14 units is equivalent to six pints of average-strength beer or 10 small glasses of lower-strength wine.

Here’s a guide on how many units are in your favourite tipple:

  • A single small shot of spirits = 1 unit
  • Small glass of red, white or rosé wine = 1.5 units
  • Bottle of lager, beer or cider = 1.7 units
  • Can of lager, beer or cider = 2.4 units
  • Pint of lower-strength lager, beer or cider = 2 units
  • Standard glass of red, white or rosé wine = 2.1 units
  • Pint of higher-strength lager, beer or cider = 3 units
  • Large glass of red, white or rosé wine = 3 units

Drinking more than this can increase the risk of a range of deadly illnesses, including fatty liver diseaseheart disease and cancer.

Recent research revealed that booze-dependent teens are at greater risk of experiencing depression and other mental health conditions by the time they’re 24.

Meanwhile, these are 17 signs you’re a functioning alcoholic.

Alcohol consumption is estimated to be responsible for about three million deaths worldwide each year.

The UK recorded  10,048 alcohol-related deaths in 2022 – accounting for 16.6 per 100,000 people – the highest number on record till that point, according to census data.


For confidential advice, tips and online tools, see You can talk to a professional adviser by online chat or over the phone or find a list of support services either online or local to you.

Drinkaware urges anyone worried about their drinking, or someone else’s, to call Drinkline on 0300 123 1110.

Anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s drinking can also talk anonymously to a trained advisor via our online webchat. Just go to


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