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‘KAMALA’S AMERICA’ revealed as you’ve never seen it before

Tim Walz and Kamala Harris appear in a 2024 Donald Trump campaign ad

Imagine this. You’re blessed to live in the freest, most powerful nation on earth, where citizens actually get to choose their leaders and their nation’s future direction.

A uniquely historic election is just weeks away, and your two choices for leader – and your nation’s future – couldn’t possibly be more different.

One leader candidate promises to halt the ongoing, full-scale foreign invasion of your country, which the current leaders have not only allowed, but invited and enabled. Incredibly, over 10 million illegal aliens from all over the world have walked unimpeded into your homeland, including countless terrorists, drug-dealers, sex traffickers of women and children, violent gangs, mental patients and criminals, powerfully fueling your nation’s current twin epidemics of violent crime and drug-overdose deaths. Recent official government statistics reveal the “undocumented migrants” invading your country include over 13,000 convicted murderers.

Promising to definitively end the current ruling regime’s suicidal immigration policies, this leader candidate commits to finally securing the border with both a physical wall and maximum law-enforcement presence – while implementing the largest mass deportation of illegal aliens in the nation’s history.

This same candidate also promises – based on decades of executive-level negotiating experience, personal strength and sound policies – to regain the lost respect of world leaders, both friend and foe, thereby serving as a powerful force not just for preserving your nation’s peace and security, but world peace as well. This candidate likewise promises to restore your nation’s ailing economy and reverse the most devastating inflation in 40 years, which is rapidly impoverishing tens of millions of citizens.

Remarkably, there’s very little doubt this particular candidate can make good on all of these life-saving promises, having actually accomplished virtually all of them while serving as the nation’s president just a few years ago.

Now, what about the other candidate?

The opposing presidential hopeful has actually been at the pinnacle of power for almost the last four years, occupying your country’s second highest leadership position. As such, this person has been instrumental in formulating and implementing the very policies now crippling your nation – including, for example, being specifically designated as “border czar.” And yet, instead of protecting your nation, this leader has perversely acted to enable the never-ending invasion, and indeed intends to transform massive numbers of illegals into voting members of the nation’s electorate, while supporting them financially with your tax dollars.

It’s much the same dynamic with regard to the severely troubled economy, the massive inflation, the rampant and ever-increasing crime, and all the other life-and-death issues plaguing your country under its current leadership.

And yet, a strange blindness pervades the nation.

For although your uniquely free country was founded on the traditional cultural, economic and constitutional values espoused by the first candidate, something like half of the voting population is mysteriously inclined to choose the other. Yet many respected analysts and historians claim that, if elevated from vice president to president, this latter candidate would destroy the country, perhaps permanently. They fear this person’s irrational, self-destructive policies, coupled with radical-left political beliefs and excruciating weakness and unseriousness on a highly volatile world stage dominated by dictators and psychopaths, could well bring about a nuclear World War III.

The question then is why? Why is there any doubt as to who is the more worthy candidate?

It’s almost as though the nation is caught up in a dystopian science-fiction plot reminiscent of Orwell’s “1984,” where clearly nonsensical dogmas, including “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery” and “Ignorance is strength,” not to mention “2+2=5,” become mandatory, must-believe “truths” of the ruling socialist regime.

Does that seem like an exaggerated comparison?

Cutting through today’s 2+2=5 narrative

Consider that Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ 2024 presidential candidate, is now claiming, in public speeches, in televised and online ads and even in September’s ABC-moderated debate, that Donald Trump opposes policing the southern border, while she has worked diligently to secure the border.

This is every bit as eye-rollingly untrue and insane as “2+2=5.”

It’s time for Americans everywhere to wake up from the media-propagated nightmare in which they have been living for the last four years. 2+2=4. Not 5.

Donald Trump – despite continual attacks and daily media defamation, two failed impeachment attempts and never-ending hoaxes (remember “Russian collusion!”) – led the country well. He protected the border, revitalized the nation’s military, kept the U.S. out of any new wars, made America energy-independent, cut taxes, got the economy roaring with a super-low 1.4% inflation rate and gasoline under $2 per gallon. Groceries, housing and other core necessities were within the reach of most Americans. Real wages were rising, and Trump ushered in the lowest unemployment rates in decades, including the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. He nominated, and saw confirmed, three Supreme Court justices who honor the U.S. Constitution, as well as 234 similarly right-thinking federal judges. He maintained peace in the Middle East, both via the Abraham Accords and by withholding funds from the Mideast’s prime terrorism sponsor, Iran. Indeed, Trump restrained not only Iran, but China and Russia from attacking neighboring countries.

In stark contrast, Kamala Harris, as vice president of the United States, working in the west wing of the White House, has been formulating and implementing her and President Joe Biden’s policies full-bore since January 2021. In every area of life and policy, with virtually no exceptions, she has made America a worse, poorer, angrier, more violent, more conflicted and much more dangerous and unhappy place to live, work and raise a family.

She and Biden did this largely by pursuing policies opposite to Trump’s: Whereas Trump built hundreds of miles of border wall, Biden and Harris threw the border wide open, allowing the shocking invasion that is now devastating America. Whereas Trump denied money to Iran, Biden-Harris released a total of $16 billion to the radical Islamic theocracy, which promptly funded Hamas’ appalling terror war on Israel starting on Oct. 7, 2023. Whereas Trump made America a net exporter of oil for the first time in 75 years, Biden-Harris shut down the Keystone XL pipeline on their very first day in office. It’s the same in almost every other area of domestic and foreign policy.

All of this is a matter of objective fact and not really debatable by honest and informed people. It’s self-evident … like 2+2=4.

Unfortunately, the purveyors of America’s “2+2=5” gospel – that is, the major news media, who daily violate their sacred responsibility to report truthfully on crucial issues and events – have been extolling and covering up for Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, while simultaneously lying about and attacking Trump and his VP pick, Sen. J.D. Vance, at every turn.

But even a complicit news establishment cannot hide truth forever.

For the problem with Kamala Harris is not really her notorious cackling, or her undecipherable “word salads,” or even the fact that she is extraordinarily unlikable and mean. Indeed, more than 90% of Harris’ White House staffers quit in the first three years, according to the Washington Post, which interviewed 18 current and former Harris staffers, who describe working conditions in her office with phrases ranging from “uncomfortable” to “soul-destroying.”

Going a little deeper, the problem with Harris is not, ultimately, even her astonishing 180-degree reversals on major policy positions on issues crucial to the well-being and survival of the nation – from fracking, to gun confiscation, to socialized medicine, to defunding the police, to building a border wall and much more. These whiplash-inducing total reversals are manifestations of something deeper still.

The real and ultimate issue with Harris, and with Walz – beyond even their neo-Marxist political ideology, their lust for power and today’s totally corrupt Democratic Party politics – is whether they and their agendas are serving good or evil, freedom or slavery, life or death, God or Satan. Stay with me here.

Consider: When a presidential and vice-presidential candidate are enthusiastically advocating surgical amputation of the healthy breasts and/or genitals of countless confused, emotionally distraught children too young to drive a car or purchase cigarettes, procedures known to multiply the rate of adolescent suicide seven-fold;

When they conspire to enable these horrendous surgeries even when the children’s own parents desperately object to it (as governor, Walz signed a bill last year turning Minnesota into a “sanctuary state” for mutilating child sex-change surgeries, effectively eliminating the need for parental consent);

When these leaders are enthusiastic cheerleaders for crushing, dismembering limb-by-limb and then ripping beautiful, pain-feeling human infants out of their mothers’ wombs (that’s the most common late abortion method, “Dilation and Evacuation” or D&E, but others are equally gruesome), right up to the time of delivery – which is identical to the heinous crime of infanticide, literally the murder of babies;

When leaders intentionally promote the all-out foreign invasion of America, including the sex-trafficking of untold thousands of helpless children at the hands of cartels and pedophiles;

When leaders deliberately create runaway inflation by wildly irresponsible levels of government spending, which is identical to raiding the bank accounts of every family in America and stealing (on average) $28,000 from each, you are – as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently affirmed – no longer talking about “your father’s Democratic Party.”

You’re talking about very deep delusion. You’re talking about genuine madness. You’re talking about desecration and destruction of all that is good, decent and sacred.

In a word, you’re talking about EVIL.

And yet … apparently half the country thinks Kamala Harris is exciting and “joyful” and caring and fresh. They revel in the fact that she’d be the “first woman president ever!” And that she’s even a “woman of color!” How cool is that!

They’ve simultaneously been convinced by the most shamefully dishonest and corrupt news establishment in American history that Donald Trump is another Adolf Hitler – or at the very least, a racist-fascist-insurrectionist-dictator who insists there are “very fine” Nazis, and that he is, as Joe Biden calls Trump, “the greatest threat to our democracy.” No wonder he is the target of repeated assassination attempts.

Now here’s a news flash for you: Just as most establishment media entities have become nothing more than professional propagandists and politically motivated liars who exist to defame and destroy Donald Trump, so are they likewise disingenuous about Kamala Harris. That’s right: The entire media love affair with Kamala Harris is pretend. They know she’s awful.

Here’s a small sampling of what the same left-leaning “mainstream media” now worshiping Harris were saying about her just a few months ago … when they assumed Joe Biden would be the Democrats’ 2024 presidential candidate:

TIME MAGAZINE: “Biden Owes the Country a New Vice President” (Jan. 30, 2024)

THE HILL: “Democrats have a Kamala Harris problem” (Feb. 11, 2024)

NEW YORK MAGAZINE: “Case for Biden to Drop Kamala Harris” (Sept. 13, 2023)

The truth is, almost nobody in the Washington, D.C. government-media complex actually likes Kamala Harris or believes she possesses the character, competency or gravitas to be president of the United States. But they loathe – or to put it much more precisely, they FEAR – Donald J. Trump because of the mortal threat he represents to the entrenched, corrupt and hopelessly power-addicted permanent governing class in Washington, D.C.

At such a critical time, tens of millions of decent, clear-thinking Americans are praying, voting (or planning on voting), volunteering for and donating to election-integrity efforts, and talking to others about what they consider to be hands-down the most important election in American history.

Here is one more significant thing you can do to help turn the tide toward victory:

Go to this link and download, TOTALLY FREE, WorldNetDaily’s 88-page Special Report on “KAMALA’S AMERICA.” Then share it as widely as possible.

“KAMALA’S AMERICA” lays out – not just with words and photos, but with dozens of astonishing video clips – just who and what Kamala Harris and Tim Walz really are. All the major issues – from the illegal-alien invasion to the failing economy to the candidates’ unbelievably sordid, corrupt and politically radical pasts, to radioactive issues like today’s wild transgender recruitment of children, unrestricted abortion, climate change madness and Soviet-style censorship, on which they take the most perverse and authoritarian positions imaginable – are powerfully exposed.

In addition to actual truth-honoring professional journalists, a rarity these days, you’ll also hear from Victor Davis Hanson, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Michele Bachmann and many other expert analysts who come together to paint a truly mind-boggling picture of exactly what “KAMALA’S AMERICA” will look like if Harris becomes president.

IMPORTANT: Once you’ve downloaded “KAMALA’S AMERICA” for free, please share the same link widely – with your friends, relatives and colleagues – including those who see things differently from you and may be inclined to vote for Harris and Walz. People who are lifelong Democrats, or don’t like Donald Trump for one reason or another, but who are woefully ignorant of the catastrophe that will befall America should the Democratic ticket prevail on Nov. 5 – these are people who also need to see “KAMALA’S AMERICA.”



To support more special reports like this one, please SUBSCRIBE to Whistleblower Special Reports, now in its 25th year of publication. Whistleblower is available in both a print and digital edition.

Important note to subscribers: All current and new Whistleblower subscribers, whether print or digital, will receive the special 88-page digital special report, “KAMALA’S AMERICA.” Digital subscribers will have their subscriptions extended to receive a 13th issue, since “KAMALA’S AMERICA” is being given away free to everyone in an effort to inform as many voters as possible and thereby influence the election, to help America avoid making one of the worst mistakes in its history.


SUBSCRIBE TO WHISTLEBLOWER, either the print or digital edition.


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