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'The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom' review: Princess Zelda shines in her protagonist debut

In 1986, it was weird that The Legend of Zelda was about a guy named Link. In 1998, Nintendo reinvented the series in 3D, but didn’t mess with the franchise’s fundamental contradiction. In 2017, Zelda was reinvented yet again with Breath of the Wild (and further expanded in 2023 with Tears of the Kingdom), but still, the series' namesake has frustratingly almost always sat in the margins.

As you’ve probably heard by now, Nintendo and developer Grezzo finally addressed the elephant in the room and made a new, mainline 2D Legend of Zelda game where you actually play as Princess Zelda. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is a pleasant surprise on a number of fronts; I didn’t expect to see a new Zelda game before Switch 2 launched, I didn’t expect Zelda to actually take the starring role anytime soon, and I certainly didn’t think Nintendo would find a way to successfully marry what Zelda used to be with what Zelda is now.

But it has, and for that we should all be thankful. Echoes of Wisdom is a mostly delightful synthesis of Zelda’s classic puzzle box sensibilities with a more open-ended design ethos, similar to Breath and Tears. It doesn’t close the loop on every idea it has, but that doesn’t stop it from being extremely fun.

Even if it wasn’t those things, it would still be rad just to finally play as Zelda for a full game.

Echoes of Wisdom asks Link to step to the sideline

Sorry, little guy. Credit: Nintendo

Almost every Legend of Zelda game up until now has been about Princess Zelda being kidnapped or otherwise vanishing for nefarious reasons, leaving Link to go save her, usually from Ganon or someone adjacent to the series’ famous villain. Nintendo has occasionally veered away from this in the past (Majora’s Mask being the most successful example), but one thing that took me a bit by surprise in Echoes of Wisdom is how straightforward a Zelda story it is.

Mysterious purple rifts have begun opening up around Hyrule, sucking any nearby terrain, buildings, and people into an off-putting place called the Still World. Echoes opens with Link attempting to save Zelda (in this incarnation, the two have never met before), but instead, he gets pulled into a rift and it's up to Zelda to essentially do Link’s job for him.

Aside from the role reversal between Link and Zelda, Echoes of Wisdom plays out pretty much like any other game in the series. You’ll travel from one region of Hyrule to the next, interacting with Gorons, Zoras, Deku Scrubs, and other classic Zelda entities on your journey to save the kingdom. Each area has some underlying problem Zelda needs to solve, which always winds up with Zelda attempting to clear a dungeon of some sort.

Echoes of Wisdom is clearly meant to be more slight in the storytelling department than either of its two most recent predecessors. There is no voice acting, cutscenes are generally pretty quick, and the plot is mostly bereft of huge, shocking twists and turns. It’s humble and respectable, though I wish there was a tiny bit more here. 

It’s hard to explain why without getting into spoiler territory, but I’ll say that the final hour or so of gameplay in Tears of the Kingdom got me feeling teary-eyed and sentimental about Zelda, while Echoes never elicited a similar response in me. It’s frequently charming and funny enough that I’m fine with that, though. 

Echoes of Wisdom bridges old and new

Tri is a cool little fella. Credit: Nintendo

Echoes of Wisdom may not be particularly adventurous with its narrative elements, but it more than makes up for that mechanically.

As has been covered by pre-launch marketing and my own hands-on piece a couple of weeks ago, this game is all about makin' stuff out of thin air. Zelda quickly meets a magical floating friend named Tri who gifts Zelda with a staff that can absorb the essences of inanimate objects and monsters. Once you’ve done so, you can spawn copies (or echoes) of that object or monster to your hearts’ content.

Well, almost. Tri has an energy meter that puts a strict limitation on how many (and what kinds of) echoes you can conjure. For example, a powerful Lizalfos monster is so expensive to make that you can only have one out at a time, but basic objects like tables are cheaper, so duplicating those is possible. Tri’s capabilities level up over time, adding to a nice sense of progression that Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom didn’t necessarily have.

I would say the most impressive thing about Echoes of Wisdom is that I believe it has something for every kind of Zelda fan. If you love the improvisational problem-solving of the more recent games, there’s plenty of that here. If you love a smaller, more structured and linear adventure with actual dungeons, that’s also what Echoes of Wisdom is, and it has plenty of those.

Beds are very useful. Credit: Nintendo

Unlike Breath and Tears, you can’t just go wherever you want after the tutorial. There’s a mild illusion of non-linearity in parts of the story, but for the most part, you will go where the designers want you to go. Echoes also mostly lacks survival elements like needing to prepare for extreme temperatures, while totally eschewing the complicated physics engine of the other two Switch games. Sure, some echoes can float on water and some can’t, but generally speaking, everything behaves very predictably. 

By gatekeeping certain regions behind story progress and carefully placing new echoes near places where they might come in handy, Echoes of Wisdom’s designers have adeptly recreated the feeling of finding the hookshot or boomerang in an old Zelda without sacrificing player creativity in the process. Sure, that echo you just found outside the room you’re in might be the way to solve the puzzle, but there’s usually a faster and easier way if you really think about it.

Quickly, I’d also like to acknowledge the incredible addition of lock-on targeting to a 2D Zelda game. It works exactly how you think it should and makes aiming at faraway objects so much easier than it used to be. 

Echoes of Wisdom doesn’t always ask enough of the player

The bind/reverse bond system isn't as necessary as it could be. Credit: Nintendo

I would estimate that roughly 80 to 90 percent of the moment-to-moment puzzle solving in Echoes of Wisdom is delightful and clever. There was usually at least one room in a dungeon where, after figuring out the solution, I’d think “oh man, that’s really neat!” to myself. 

Unfortunately, that other 10 to 20 percent is a problem. Echoes of Wisdom actually, at times, has too many ideas going on and doesn’t always know how to best deploy them. The "bind" mechanic is a great example of this. You can use it to telekinetically move objects and monsters around (not unlike Ultrahand in Tears of the Kingdom), which definitely comes in handy all throughout the adventure.

However, there’s another side of "bind" called "reverse bond" that will make Zelda mimic the object or monster’s movements, rather than the other way around, and that’s where Echoes of Wisdom starts to disappoint. This seems really cool in the tutorial, where you use reverse bond to clear gaps by floating underneath moving platforms. Strangely, though, the game almost never requires the player to use this mechanic again. I was able to clear the story and a decent number of side quests without reverse bonding to almost anything unless I forced myself to use it.

Even the echo system isn't without its faults. Over time, I found myself gravitating towards a small handful of very useful echoes for every situation at the expense of the literally dozens of others I’d found. By the second half of the game, I had a massive roster of echoes and regularly used about seven or eight of them. It's not that the opportunities for creativity aren’t there, but the game doesn’t always force you to be creative as much as I’d like.

Combat is another area where an abundance of ideas actually feels a little limiting. Creating echoes of monsters to fight on your behalf is the main method of taking out enemies, and I would say it’s also the most enjoyable. At its best, it feels like they’ve turned Zelda into Pikmin, with the player desperately avoiding enemies while ordering minions to protect them. 

You can change costumes, too. Credit: Nintendo

Sadly, Echoes of Wisdom doesn’t commit all the way to this idea. Not long into the adventure, Zelda unlocks "Swordfighter Form," which basically turns her into a ghostly version of Link with access to a sword. This upgradeable form is limited by an energy meter that becomes easier and easier to refill over time, meaning that by the end of the game, this was the only way I handled any combat encounter.

On top of that, Zelda eventually gets the ability to craft and deploy robotic automatons with powerful and unique combat abilities. This is a cool idea that is nonetheless totally optional and adds next to nothing to the game. Despite very much wanting to use them, I never found a single situation where throwing an automaton out into the field felt necessary. 

I can see how these are tricky problems to solve from a game designers' perspective. The uber-mainstream and family-friendly nature of any big-name Nintendo game is going to necessarily limit the difficulty level. Creating too many puzzles that absolutely require the use of one certain ability, echo, or automaton would be dissonant with the game’s mechanics, too.

But there’s still sometimes a noteworthy disconnect between the number of options you have at your disposal and the simplicity of the problems you need them for. I just never felt like there was a single dungeon or puzzle that brought all of these ideas together at the same time.

That Link’s Awakening art style is still adorable

Zoras! Credit: Nintendo

Visually, Echoes of Wisdom uses the same lightly Funko Pop-looking art style as the 2019 Link’s Awakening Switch remake. Characters have big heads, little bodies, and beady little black eyes that are shockingly expressive for how simplistic they look.

It was a charming aesthetic in 2019 and it remains charming now. Most notably, Echoes of Wisdom actually runs a bit better than that Link’s Awakening remake did. The latter rapidly oscillated between 60 frames per second and 30 FPS depending on if you were indoors or outdoors. Echoes of Wisdom is sadly still pretty inconsistent relative to other games (it still varies between those two target frame rates), but it’s not quite as egregious as Link’s Awakening

Zelda always brings the noise

Would you be shocked if I told you a Legend of Zelda game has great music?

This is so unsurprising that it barely warrants a mention, but Echoes of Wisdom’s audio presentation is excellent. They gave Zelda her own little overworld theme song that will be stuck in your head for weeks. I also appreciate the occasional incorporation of "Zelda’s Lullaby" from Ocarina of Time, but Nintendo has been doing that for decades, so it’s not really new.

The tunes themselves are catchy and atmospheric, but the sparse instrumentation drives the soundtrack home. These aren’t giant, swelling orchestral productions; songs will usually sound like they could’ve been recorded by just a few people. It fits nicely with the less grandiose nature of the game.

Is The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom worth getting?

There are a couple of areas in which Echoes of Wisdom is a slight disappointment. Its story isn’t quite as ambitious as it could have been given the historic opportunity to make the first Zelda game starring Zelda. Mechanically, it bites off a tiny bit more than it can chew, leaving players with more options than they need or can even realistically use.

But everything else about it rules. Its aesthetic and music are endearing, the echo system creates tons of really clever puzzle solutions, and it harkens back to old Zelda games without abandoning what makes the newer ones special. The total playtime, even if you do a lot of side quests, also tops out at 25 to 30 hours, so it's a fulfilling adventure that doesn't monopolize too much of your free time.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom may not be a big Switch 2 blowout launch title, but it is a mostly delectable late-in-life treat for Switch owners.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom launches exclusively on Nintendo Switch on Sept. 26.


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