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Trump and his Affiliated Scum Have Gone Beyond Shameful

By Henry S. Villard

Because this is a “thinking website” (read by a wide range of mostly adults, but still not the place for blatant epithets of the foul language variety, although in the case of a moron by the name of Donald Trump, well and totally, completely and absolutely deserved) we will, while using proper synonyms, avoid the curse words that are the hallmark of the person who a friend of mine refers to as “Herr Trumpler.”

Our dear readers, it comes down to this: the man is, at the very least, complete, total and absolute scum. He is a sleazy, slimy, degenerate, whore mongering, contractor and employee screwing, SAT and college transcript falsifying, cheating in and on and with everything he has ever done, including in and with and regarding his marriages, unscrupulous liar. And those are his good points.

But now, with “the people in Ohio are eating their pets,” horse manure he has reached a level of horrific vileness and sheer and total moronocity, that, frankly, there are few if any civil words that can be used to describe him. In short, and simply put, he is nothing but total garbage, and that is his good point.

“But wait! There’s more!”

You see, folks, he is, in reality, simply a lowlife swine and a piece of flotsam, jetsam and manure, and that is all he is, but the problem is and the issues are that he has millions of followers—ala Herr Hitler—who accept as fact, truth and reality, anything that sleazy, slimy, lying piece of detritus says, and that is the real and true problem, going back to January 6th with the scum attempting to defend what was happening in D. C. and the garbage who were involved in that debacle calling themselves “tourists.”

“Tourists?” “Tourists?” Since when do “tourists” engage in armed uprising and vicious and violent attempts to take over a nation’s capitol? Besides all of his and their other faults, flaws and deficiencies, that are total idiots, nitwits and—I think the Yiddish word is—“schmucks,” and, truly, that is all that he and his followers, male or female of any age, are. Total, absolute and complete “schmucks.” (For those who may not know that word, it is a Yiddishism, which refers to a distended penis, and, again, that is all and the only thing that every one of them, young, old, male, female, regardless of color, is.

Now, though, as the expression goes, “But wait! There’s more,” and that “more” is this: It is my firm opinion and belief that any Jewish person supporting that bum, that low grade guttersnipe, needs to be taken out and whipped, and then, following that, beaten senseless because in supporting that slime and being part of those vile, filthy, disgusting mobs, that is all and the only thing that any person of the Hebrew faith who supports that vile and foul excuse for a human being deserves, the same going for those of color who support him, or “it.”

It’s that simple, folks, truly and if, somehow, Herr Trumpler steals the election, this country is finished. End of column.

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