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Meet Miquel Lewis, candidate for the Chicago school board’s 9th District

More on the election
City voters will elect school board members this fall for the first time. We break down how candidates got on the ballot and how to vote.

The Sun-Times/WBEZ and Chalkbeat emailed a questionnaire to candidates who filed to run in the city’s first school board elections on Nov. 5. Answers have been lightly edited for typos, grammar and consistency in styling, but not for content or length. Age was calculated as of Sept. 1, 2024.

*Reader questions: We surveyed hundreds of CPS parents to learn what they wanted to hear from the candidates and used several of their questions on our questionnaire.


About 31% of Chicago Public Schools elementary students are meeting state standards in reading, and 19% are meeting math standards. How would you approach growing reading and math achievement?*
In partnership with the leadership of Chicago Public Schools, to ensure the resources that support improved education outcomes is available and appropriately allocated.

Do you support standardized testing more than once a year?
I am curious about the research on standardized testing. Does research indicate education outcomes are improved as a result of standardized testing?

Do you support requiring all schools to select from a certain curriculum authorized by the board of education?
I support evaluation of student needs, interests and skills and building curriculum to accelerate learning and skills building. I’m not certain a standardized curriculum can achieve the desired results for all students.

Chicago Public Schools has consistently fallen short when it comes to serving students with disabilities. What would you do to improve special education?
Sustain the Special Education Advisory Committee and their partnership with the newly appointed Chief of the Office for Students with Disabilities to advise the board on the needs of this student population.

CPS finances

In recent years, Chicago’s Board of Education has consistently raised the property tax levy to the maximum allowed by state law every year. Should the board continue to raise the levy to the maximum?
No. The board must address the underfunding of the district through legislative advocacy.

Do you think CPS needs more funding, or do you think the school district’s budget is bloated? How would you balance the CPS budget?*
Deliberate and considerate evaluation of how the district operates and allocates funds is the first step to ensuring all schools are adequately resourced. Learning how resources are currently allocated is important to determining how future budgets are developed by the district and approved by the board.

More on the election
WBEZ and the Sun-Times are tracking campaign contributions for every candidate running for Chicago’s School Board on Nov. 5.

School choice

Do you support the current board of education’s decision to prioritize neighborhood schools and shift away from the current system of school choice with selective enrollment, magnet and charter schools?
I support an evaluation of education outcomes and a strategic plan to prioritize improved education outcomes across the city of Chicago.

Given the board of education’s decision to prioritize neighborhood schools, how would you balance supporting those schools without undermining the city’s selective enrollment schools and other specialized programs?*
It is important to hear from the students and families of our magnet, selective enrollment, charter and contract schools to know and understand the impact of this approach to educating Chicago’s students before making any judgments about the current board’s decision.

The first charter school opened in Chicago in 1997 and these privately run, publicly funded schools grew in number throughout the 2000s. Today, 54,000 Chicago Public Schools students, or about 17%, attend charters and contract schools. Do you support having charter schools in CPS as an option for students?
What do the parents and students need/want? Parents and students deserve the right to inform this question.


If elected, how will you maintain your independence from the mayor’s office, the Chicago Teachers Union or other powerful forces shaping the school system?*
As an elected board member, I will be accountable to the students and families who entrust me with the responsibility of representing their needs and interests. In this way, students’ needs truly come first.

Police in schools

Do you support having sworn Chicago Police Department officers stationed in schools?
Having sworn CPD, alone, does not improve school safety. An informed, well-designed and implemented plan for school/student safety is critical.

Busing and facilities

Last year, in an effort to prioritize transportation for students with disabilities as required by state and federal law, CPS canceled busing for general education students who attend selective enrollment and magnet schools and hasn’t found a solution to reinstate that service. Do you support busing for general education students?
Transportation is a challenge for many students, not only those with special education needs, and should be prioritized to support all students who need transportation.

About one-third of Chicago public school buildings have space for at least double the students they’re currently enrolling. Chicago officials have previously viewed under-enrolled schools as an inefficient use of limited resources — and a decade ago the city closed a record 50 schools. Do you support closing schools for low enrollment?
The district must evaluate the purpose of its buildings and determine the “right class size” to improve education outcomes. I have heard arguments that smaller class sizes support improved education outcomes. The needs of the students must be a leading factor in the purposing of school buildings.

Bilingual education

CPS has long struggled to comply with state and federal laws requiring bilingual programs at schools that enroll 20 or more students who speak a different language. The recent influx of migrant families has exacerbated the problem. What policies do you support to ensure the district is supporting bilingual students and in compliance with state and federal laws?
I support an assessment of the needs for bilingual supports across the district toward implementing a plan to provide needed bilingual services in a systematic way.

Top local issue

Please share one issue that’s a top concern for your community or your larger elected school board voting district.
Transportation/busing is a leading concern for the schools in the district where I will serve.

School board election 2024


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