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How to stop the Democrats from stealing this election


I have the solution to what’s coming on Nov. 5. But President Donald Trump needs to act fast. He must make this high-profile, controversial, headline-grabbing announcement today!

Trump is winning an electoral landslide. We all know that. In every poll that I think is credible and historically accurate, Trump is leading in the popular vote nationwide and winning by an even bigger margin in each battleground state. Which adds up to an electoral landslide.

I say Trump is winning. But will his lead hold up to the vast array of ways I predict Democrats will cheat? They have allegedly rigged this election 1,000 ways to Sunday.

It’s past time for any semblance of debate about whether the election is rigged. ABC TV moderators actually had the gall to ask President Trump about a rigged election in the middle of a rigged debate. With the whole country watching.

That’s the definition of audacity meets insanity.

The Democrats are so desperate to keep power they don’t care how obvious their cheating is or who’s watching.

Do you think the party that is so desperate for power and control, who is one election away from total power and control forever, who rigged the debate, would hesitate to rig the election?

Can Trump’s current lead (no matter how large) overcome millions of illegal aliens now registered to vote?

That was the whole point of the open borders – to bring in millions of new Democrat voters. I say they were given voter registration forms the minute they got into the country and the rest are being registered to vote every hour of every day at DMV offices across the country.

Can Trump’s lead overcome what I say will be millions of fake mail-in ballots with no voter ID and no attempt to signature match or scrub dead voters off of voter rolls?

Can Trump’s lead overcome what I think will be millions of fake ballots collected by supposed ballot harvesting and at unguarded ballot drop boxes?

Can Trump’s lead overcome the alleged potential for fraud of overseas ballots deposited by the DNC in swing states – without any proof these voters ever lived there?

Can Trump’s lead overcome the supposed fraud of the U.S. Postal Service unions who have openly endorsed Kamala Harris? What dirty tricks do they have planned?

I have the solution.

President Trump is rich. Filthy rich. He is a billionaire business mogul.

What’s $100 million to a billionaire like Trump? How about $200 million? It’s like you and me taking $20 out of our wallet.

So, Mr. President, it’s time to offer up just a fraction of your fortune to stop the steal. The country is on the line. Capitalism is on the line. Our children’s futures are on the line. And of course, your personal freedom is on the line.

Please announce you are putting up $100 million, or $200 million or $500 million (by passing the bucket among your wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago), for a reward fund.

To pay rewards of millions of dollars to anyone willing to come forward and confess, who is an active participant in the rigging of this election.

They must know where the bodies are buried.

They must be key players in the steal. They must be not just witnesses, but guilty of participating themselves. They must be willing to sign sworn affidavits and appear at press conferences. It must lead to convictions.

But they can get filthy rich. Rich enough for the rest of their lives. Rich enough to buy a mansion on the beach and sip margaritas for life.

Offer $100 million, or $200 million or $500 million, to richly reward any of these witnesses who can testify to the nation how Democrats are rigging this election.

Offer eye-popping money and they will come.

So many will come forward, you will need hundreds, perhaps thousands of volunteers just to listen to all the confessions and sort out who has the best stories to offer up at press conferences.

First, by exposing the ways Democrats are rigging this election, we will stop much of this fraud dead in its tracks.

Second, by bringing these key players forward at press conferences to explain the ways Democrats are rigging and cheating, the American people will be shocked and appalled. They will say “enough is enough.” Millions of independents (and even some honest Democrats) will vote for Trump when they hear how Democrats steal elections.

Money talks. The rats will desert the sinking Democrat ship.

Who could resist a piece of the $100 million or $200 million or $500 million reward pot? Think of all the union guys who could suddenly make $1 million, or $2 million, or $5 million or $10 million in one shot and never have to work again.

This reward fund is like hitting the lottery.

But the reward must be big enough to make eyes pop. It must be big enough to get the whole nation’s attention. The bigger the headline number, the better!

And it must be announced now. The election is only 44 days away.

Trust me. Announce it and they will come. The rats will desert the sinking Democrat ship. The problem won’t be finding active participants in the fraud. The only issue will be too many will come forward. We will be overwhelmed with witnesses and participants willing to spill the beans for a piece of the reward.

My gut says we may even get one or two high-level participants who want the whole reward pot for themselves.

President Trump, please announce the reward fund today. Then sit back, grab your popcorn and champagne and watch the Democrat rats come forward from all 50 states to spill the beans.

This is how we stop the steal.

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