'Kiss this seat goodbye': CNN conservative hits panic button over November election
According to conservative CNN political analyst Shermichael Singleton, the Republican party suffered a body blow late Thursday that could have a major impact on who wins the presidency in November.
Speaking with host John Berman about the bombshell report on North Carolina gubernatorial nominee Mark Robinson and his comments on an adult website where he described sexual acts that CNN refused to even describe, Singleton stated the GOP needs to exhaust every legal means to rid itself of the highly problematic lieutenant governor.
As he told Berman, he is concerned over the impact Robinson will have on down-ticket races for Republican before adding, "This guy is not going to win this race. I can just make that very clear now, he's just not going to win. He's been behind for I think several months now by pretty substantial margins"
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"They decided to go with this guy and look at the results. This is someone that they clearly didn't do opposition research on. This is someone who certainly is a vulnerability and a liability and, in my personal opinion as a strategist, they need to kick him out," he added. "Forget that 'Well, let's just see what happens,' force him out of this."
"The deadline was last night, but do you get on stage Saturday and cut him loose and say, you know what..." host Berman interjected before Singleton interrupted him and stated, "You know what? Whatever legal maneuvering they need to figure out if possible, right, because I'm not sure of the state laws there. But if there is some way to replace them with someone else, they need to figure that out. Otherwise, they can just kiss this seat goodbye."
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