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An Eye-Opening New Report Uncovers How Kids Use AI In School — & How Unprepared We Are

An eye-opening new study from Common Sense Media reveals the ways teens are using generative AI, how often they turn to these tools — and how woefully unprepared the adults in their lives are to navigate this emerging technology.

How are teens using AI in school?

A whopping 70 percent of teens surveyed have used at least one type of generative AI tool (be it search engines, chatbots, or image or video generators), and the majority of those teens (53 percent) use it for some form of homework help. Per the national study of more than one thousand teens and their parents, girls are using AI for help with schoolwork more than their male peers, and the same is true of Black or Latino students versus their white peers.

So the majority of teens have used AI, and the majority of those teens have used it for homework help. This might sound bad on a large scale, but the thing is, they might not be doing anything “wrong.” The classroom rules — if they even exist! — are often unclear. Nearly 60 percent of teens said that either their school doesn’t have rules for how to use generative AI, or they’re not sure if there are rules.

Which is a bit shocking. Not to sound like a cane-waving oldster, but I can’t remember a single teacher who didn’t revel in rattling off their rules. So the fact that some teens don’t have a definitive answer could lead one to believe these teachers really haven’t landed on a set of rules yet (not to mention that AI changes so quickly that the rules may change right alongside it). Or that educators and administrators have dropped the ball on making those rules clear.

I don’t say that as a slight to school systems. It’s just jarring information that shows just how unprepared adults are for figuring out when students can and can’t use generative AI tools. Most educators would likely agree that students should not be allowed to let ChatGPT write an essay for them. But is it OK for students to use AI tools to brainstorm ideas for upcoming projects or questions they might be asked in a debate? Where should the line be drawn?

Even more astounding, the study shows that parents, too, are completely out of the loop. More than 80 percent of parents say that schools have not communicated with families about generative AI, more than 60 percent had no idea their child used AI tools, and almost half have never broached the topic with their kid — which experts say is a problem.

“The findings tell us that young people are quickly understanding the potential of generative AI platforms, perhaps without fully grasping the pitfalls, which underscores the need for adults to talk with teens about AI,” Amanda Lenhart, head of research at Common Sense Media, said in a press release. “We need to better understand their experiences so we can discuss the good and the bad—especially around bias and inaccuracy.”

How can parents learn more about AI — and talk to their kids about its use?

SheKnows tapped Jennifer Kelman, a licensed clinical social worker and family therapist with JustAnswer, to find out just how a parent should go about discussing such a divisive and constantly-evolving topic when there might not be guardrails in place. In her work, Kelman sees a lot of “exasperated” parents whose child(ren) have become addicted to their devices, social media, etc. and they don’t know how to set up boundaries. A lot of parents, she says, are “afraid” of their kids and the pushback a conversation like this could cause. (Because who wants to hear, “You’re so mean! You’re so old-fashioned! I hate you!” from a defensive teen who is prepared for this to not go in their favor?)

“I want parents to be less afraid of their children and to have these difficult conversations,” Kelman said.

So how do you start? Maybe a memo with new guidelines from your child’s school comes in the mail — a shiny golden ticket into this conversation! Maybe you dive in and ask them if they use AI or if there’s been any discussion about it at school. Or, maybe you use some variation of the script Kelman gave me when I admitted that I’m embarrassed to talk about AI with teens because I assume they’ll know more than me, and I don’t want to look completely ignorant.

“Use that feeling,” she says. “If we want our kids to talk about their feelings, we have to talk about ours … plus it’s the biggest ice breaker.”

“[You could say] ‘I am so embarrassed to have this conversation with you, and maybe I should have done a little research before, but I’m worried about AI. Tell me what you know about it. Tell me how you’ve used it in the past. Tell me how you think you’ll use it. And what are the school rules? … I feel silly because I’ve never used AI before, but I want to learn. I want to learn from you.'”

It may feel incredibly vulnerable on your end, but it’s empowering for the teen and starts the conversation (“Which should be ongoing!” asserts Kelman) about AI usage and when it’s appropriate to use. Then you can work on figuring out some boundaries together. Maybe you decide using AI to do research for pleasure (“What were the stats from the football game on Sunday?”) is OK but using it write an essay is a no-go.

If you’re thinking, “Well, that’s easier said than done,” Kelman encourages parents to talk to their kids about how they feel after using AI for schoolwork. “‘When you’re using AI to do a history project, are you really feeling good about your work?'” she suggests asking. “‘Are you taking it in that it isn’t your work? … You’re not stretching your mind. You’re not pushing yourself.'” Finish up the conversation by posing a final question: “‘At some point, don’t you want to take ownership and have your self-esteem raised because of your work ethic around something you know you created that’s yours and yours only?’ I would start there,” Kelman says. “Get them to look inward in terms of how it feels.”

As the Common Sense Media study reveals, the rapid integration of generative AI into teens’ lives has outpaced the ability of adults — parents and teachers alike — to navigate this emerging technology. While many teens are leveraging AI tools for homework assistance, which is OK, the lack of clear guidelines and open conversations between parents and educators highlights a significant knowledge gap — which is not OK. To bridge this divide, we’ve got to initiate conversations with teens about the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI, fostering a shared understanding of its capabilities and responsible use. If we communicate openly and draw clear boundaries, parents and educators can empower teens to harness the limitless potential of AI … while also mitigating its risks.


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