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FOX News Media honors colleagues who received Spotlight Awards

FOX News Media CEO Suzanne Scott and President Jay Wallace honored the 2023 FOX News Media Spotlight Award winners on Tuesday during an intimate luncheon.

The FOX News Media Spotlight Awards are an annual tradition for the company, and management received hundreds of nominations from staff members passionate about celebrating colleagues who earned special recognition. Winners were announced last year at a company-wide town hall, and they gathered at 48 Lounge in midtown Manhattan just steps away from FOX News Media’s headquarters to celebrate in person.

FOX News anchor Bill Hemmer, who hosted the event, welcomed guests before introducing Scott to the stage.

"I’m very happy to be here today," Scott said. "When I think back to the legacy and history of FOX News, I always think first and foremost of the incredible team we have. It is the staff we have both behind the scenes and on air that has propelled us to our success. I always say proudly, FOX News Media has the best team in all of media."


"A number of us in the room today, including some of our senior executive staff, have been here for more than 28 years, starting at entry-level jobs and working our way through the ranks," Scott continued. "As leadership, we understand how valuable and important it is to maintain a great team at every level of the organization to thrive and grow.  And here today are some of our brightest stars."

Scott told the Spotlight Award winners that they were in the room because they were recognized by colleagues.

"Hundreds of your co-workers submitted nominations for these awards. You were the best of the best, and we are all so proud of you," Scott said.

"As many of you know, we created these annual awards four years ago, in response to an employee survey. We wanted to recognize the exceptional performers who help keep FOX News Media on top," she added. "We’ve seen some past winners go on to tremendous success, and we know you can do the same."

Scott turned her attention to the late Joe Rosta, a beloved FOX News lighting technician and Spotlight Award winner who tragically passed away last fall.

"It was an awful loss for all of us, and today, as we celebrate his life. Joe was an exceptional long-term employee, having started with us in 1997… he became one of our top lighting technicians. He was so easy to work with, and unbelievably dedicated to both his job and his colleagues," Scott said, noting that his wife Dolores was in attendance.

Wallace then took the stage to introduce the winners.


Unsung Hero Award

The Unsung Hero Award goes to employees who consistently and continually go above and beyond with work that is vital to FOX News Media but often goes unnoticed. This year, three winners were chosen. 

"Our three unsung heroes all work extremely hard behind the scenes. They coordinate complex projects, they make the screen look sharp, and they keep us ahead of our competition," Wallace said.

Nick Lontine, supervisor of media production’s Real Time Graphics team

"Nick has a wicked sense of humor and keeps everyone laughing even during stressful times. He has his hand in everything ... he’s incredibly proactive and invaluable to his department. Nick’s led this year’s election coverage through the primaries, and now he’s getting us ready for November," Wallace said.

Viktoria Ristanovic, editorial coordinator and executive assistant

"Viki spent several successful years in the newsroom before coming to work in the executive office where she is on top of everything from scheduling changes – to editorial details and endless logistics surrounding all of our platforms," Wallace said.

"She’s also been instrumental at finding, recruiting, and training new people. She loves this place, and she gets our mission, and no matter how high the pressure gets, she always has an amazing attitude," he continued. "Viki also recently got engaged, so her organizational skills are really going to be put to the test in the lead-up to her wedding day!"

Samantha Cosme, production manager 

"Some of Sam’s highlights include becoming our de facto Milwaukee bureau chief – Sam was a key asset during our Republican debate there last year, and she was the co-lead of our RNC Convention coverage in July.  She also took part in our productions in Iowa and New Hampshire," Wallace said.

"Sam was a production coordinator when she won the Unsung Hero award in December. Back then, we noted that she was well on her way to becoming a production manager," Wallace added. "As it turns out, that’s exactly what she is now. Sam, congratulations on the well-deserved promotion!"

Hemmer then introduced "FOX & Friends" co-host Lawrence Jones to honor the trio of Rising Stars recipients. 

Rising Stars

The Rising Star Award goes to entry-level employees who have shown exemplary work ethic and growth throughout the year.

"The Rising Stars are the employees who are starting out on their careers, but they have incredibly bright futures ahead of them," Jones told the crowd.

James Sun, Media Production Group daily artist

"Graphics Artist James Sun. Since he started, he’s gotten up to speed in major projects, and become involved in updating FOX News Channel’s entire look. He’s been heavily involved in our election night touchscreen plans, which I know is very important to Bill," Jones said, referring to Hemmer’s legendary Bill-board.

"James continues to handle hundreds of graphics requests every month," Jones said.

Karina Legarda, remote coordinator

"Next up, Karina Legarda, from our Resource Operations Center. As we predicted in December, Karina has been proving herself in election coverage this year. She was just promoted to remote coordinator in July, and she’s been doing a killer job. She’s also wrapping up transmission training, and working on ways to improve our workflows," Jones told the audience.

Kyle Thomas, remote coordinator

"And our third winner, Kyle Thomas, from the same department. He’s also a remote coordinator who’s wrapping up transmission training. His manager says Kyle often does double duty, handling remote coordination duty while answering transmission calls," Jones said. "Congratulations to all our Rising Stars!"

Hemmer then called on his "morning bestie" and "America's Newsroom" co-host Dana Perino to present the award for community service.


Community Service Award: Vivian Leung, executive producer

"Vivian has spent years raising awareness about domestic violence. She’s spent time as a hotline operator, helping people through moments of crisis. She’s worked as a legal advocate, helping victims get through complex court processes. And she’s on the board of the Childhood Domestic Violence Association," Perino said.

"She just got a big promotion," Perino added, as Leung was just bumped to executive producer… incredible work Vivian, and this award is clearly very well deserved."

Inclusion Ambassador of the Year Award

The Inclusion Ambassador of the Year Award is for an employee who leads by example in celebrating, engaging, and advocating on behalf of diverse community voices, both inside and outside of FOX News Media. 

Patricia Peart, vice president of weekend booking

"First, vice president of weekend booking Patricia Peart. Patricia, come on up. You and I have known each other for a very long time. I think I was one of your very first managers, and Jay and I gave you your first promotion! None of us had any idea back then, how far we would all come," Scott said.

"Patricia recently wrapped up several years as co-chair of our employee resource group, ‘Black Plus.’ She’s always helped people find ways to fit in, while strengthening our corporate culture. Since Patricia’s win last year, she helped coordinate a ‘Dream in Color’ event, as well as a ‘Behind the Scenes with Changemakers’ event for Black History Month," Scott continued. "One of Patricia’s priorities has been meeting with, and mentoring, the next generation and we see that in her actions every day."

Bob Bicknell, FOX Weather senior producer 

"Our second winner: FOX Weather senior producer Bob Bicknell," Scott said.

"Bob is also an Employee Resource Alum, after wrapping up a term co-chairing FOX Pride. Bob planned the annual ‘Scoops of Pride’ event, and supported our involvement in the L.A. Pride March, and the AIDS Walk in Tempe, Arizona," she continued. "He also represented us at the Association of LGBTQ+ journalists."

"The Five" co-host Judge Jeanine Pirro was up next to present Innovator of the Year.

Innovator of the Year: FOX News Media Lighting Department

"Believe me, I know the importance of good lighting. You know, innovation can be mistaken for miracles. And the lighting department pulls off miracles every day," Pirro said.

"Because of you, I am always ready for my close-up," she added, noting that some members of the winning team had to stay at work and literally "keep the lights on."

The Innovator of the Year recognizes an initiative that created a new way of delivering information, telling a story, or doing business. The FOX News Media Lighting Department, made up of Colin Ackers, Liz Albright, Nico Bazzoni, Jess Black, Justin Brewer, Andrew Crawbuck, Sean Devine, Antonio Huerta, George Jalinos, Harry Kalfaian, Kelly Knudson, Edmond Lulgjuraj, Josh Martinez-Davis, Jason Miller, Dave Renken, Milos Stevanovic, Robert Ulrich, Chris Bazzoni, James Chester and Anthony Rivelli took home the coveted honor along with the late Rosta.

"Of course, we’re missing one individual, Joe Rosta, a 26-year veteran of FOX News, who tragically passed away one year ago. As Suzanne mentioned earlier, we’re thankful for Joe’s wife Dolores, who is here today. We still miss Joe, and we mourn him. And we’re all grateful to have gotten to spend so many wonderful years with him at Fox," Pirro said.

The lighting team paid a touching tribute to Rosta, with Bazzoni taking the mic to speak about his longtime colleague.

"Joe was our brother. He was like the Dallas character from the Outsiders. He was the coolest, and we looked up to him. One year ago yesterday, on September 16, 2023, we lost our brother Joe," Bazzoni said before moving many in the audience to tears with thoughtful stories about his longtime colleague.

"I want to end with a quote from one of Joe’s favorite hard core bands, The Bouncing Souls," Bazzoni said.

"I've met some people along the way, some of them split, some of them stay, some of them walk, some walk on by. I've got a few friends I'll love till I die," he said. "We’ll miss you, Joe."

One of FOX News Channel’s originals, chief religion correspondent Lauren Green, came up to present the next award, with Hemmer joking that she must be passionate about it because she was supposed to have the day off.

The Impact Award: Lissa Kaplan, senior coordinating producer

"The Impact Award goes to an individual or team whose work had some of the most positive overall effect on our company. And it goes to the New York bureau’s senior coordinating producer, Lissa Kaplan," Green said.

"Lissa is not here, because, no surprise, she’s busy with work. Right now, she’s in Israel, helping maintain the incredible level of coverage we’ve seen from the Mideast team," Green continued. "We’re now just a few weeks from October 7, when we’ll mark one year since the attack that horrified millions and plunged the region into war. Our reporters and producers and photographers there have worked nonstop since that awful day, and Lissa is the latest to jump in to help."

Green said this is simply "the latest example of Lissa going above and beyond in her work" at FOX News.

"Lissa, I’m so pleased to accept this award on your behalf. Your contributions have such an enormous impact on our work. She’s meticulous, conscientious, and a terrific colleague. Thank you for all that you do, Lissa, and please get home safe," Green said.

FOX News Digital’s Hanna Panreck contributed to this report.


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