Test your UFC knowledge on Thursday with our new daily trivia game
Think you can figure out which UFC fighter we’re talking about? You’ll get five clues to figure him out.
We’re adding something to your daily mix! Every morning, we’ll have a daily trivia game that we hope offers a little something fun to get your day started.
The goal of the game is to guess the correct UFC fighter with the help of up to five clues. We have a database of both active AND retired fighters, so keep that in mind with your guesses. It won’t always be easy to figure it out in one or two guesses, but some of you might be able to nail it.
The game will appear in this article each day, with the most recent games listed below today’s. That means, bookmark this page and you can enjoy the game in here. After you correctly guess the player, you can click “Share Results” to share how you did down in the comments and on social media. We’d love your feedback as well, so drop those in the comments or in this Google Form.
Have fun!
What we need from you
- Play the game
- Share your result in the comments and on social media
- Provide feedback (Google Form or in comments below)