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New data show Congress’s crusade against remote work is a mistake

In recent years, the debate over remote work has intensified, particularly within the federal government.

After more than a year of pressure from Congress on the Biden administration to reduce telework among federal employees, the release of the latest Office of Management and Budget report provides critical insights that challenge this pressure.

The report shows that, contrary to congressional concerns, federal agencies are easily exceeding the administration’s 50 percent in-office goal for telework-eligible employees. In fact, government-wide, roughly 61 percent of the work hours performed by telework-eligible federal employees have been in person​​.

The data indicate that a majority of federal employees are already meeting or exceeding in-office expectations. About 54 percent of the federal government's 2.2 million employees work fully in person due to job requirements, with the other 46 percent eligible for telework. Among those eligible for telework, only about 10 percent work fully remotely​. These figures suggest that telework is not as pervasive as some lawmakers may have believed, and that agencies are balancing in-person and remote work​ effectively.

According to the report, agencies such as the Departments of Agriculture and State have approximately 80 percent of their telework-eligible employees working in person​. Other agencies, including the Departments of Treasury, Education, and Housing and Urban Development, report less than 40 percent in-person work hours for telework-eligible employees​. This variability reflects the diverse operational needs and missions of federal agencies, which require different levels of in-office presence. It’s a testament to the flexibility and adaptability of federal work environments to meet diverse operational needs.

The Office of Management and Budget's findings highlight that federal agencies are strategically aligning their work environments with mission-specific requirements rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. This alignment allows agencies to optimize performance and effectiveness, ensuring that telework does not hinder mission-critical operations​​.

Moreover, the federal government's 61 percent rate of work hours performed by telework-eligible employees aligns with trends observed in the private sector​. As a recent Congressional Budget Office report points out, telework rates in the federal workforce are generally in line with those in the private sector, which further dispels the notion that federal employees are overly reliant on telework or "just phoning it in."

Recall how this same Congressional Budget Office report shocked members of Congress critical of remote work in a recent House hearing. Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wisc.), upon learning that only 22 percent of federal employees typically worked from home in 2022, compared to 25 percent of private-sector employees, asked in disbelief: “Did you say that federal employees got back to work quicker than in the private sector?”

Despite these findings, Congress keeps pressuring the White House to curtail telework in the federal workforce. This pressure is rooted in concerns about productivity, accountability and the utilization of federal office spaces. Lawmakers have argued that telework may lead to decreased employee performance and inefficient use of government real estate​​.

But the new Office of Management and Budget report challenges these assumptions, providing evidence that telework has not compromised productivity or performance. In fact, many agencies have reported improvements in employee engagement and job satisfaction, which are critical factors in workforce performance and retention​​.

Additionally, the report highlights that agencies have made significant efforts to optimize office space utilization, reducing costs and improving the efficiency of federal real estate portfolios​​.

Telework offers numerous benefits that contribute to a more resilient and effective federal workforce. For instance, telework enhances employee satisfaction by providing flexibility, which in turn can lead to higher retention rates and lower turnover. This flexibility is particularly important for attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive job market​. Furthermore, telework can reduce commuting times, leading to better work-life balance and increased productivity​​. By leveraging telework as a strategic tool, federal agencies can maintain high levels of performance while meeting the evolving needs of their employees and missions​.

The Office of Management and Budget report underscores the need for a nuanced approach to telework policies that reflect the diverse missions and operational needs of federal agencies. They should also continue to invest in technology and infrastructure that support remote work capabilities​ in appropriate jobs. By providing employees with the tools and resources they need to succeed in a hybrid work environment, agencies can ensure that telework remains a viable and productive option​.

Additionally, agencies should prioritize ongoing evaluation and adjustment of telework policies to align with emerging best practices and workforce trends​. This continuous improvement process will enable federal agencies to remain competitive in attracting and retaining talent while delivering results for the public.

The newest data clearly show that the pressure from Congress to decrease telework in the federal government is unwarranted. Agencies exceeding the Biden administration's goals for in-person work and leveraging telework to enhance employee engagement and performance​.

Rather than curb telework, policymakers should support agencies in optimizing their work environments to meet mission-critical needs. By embracing telework as a strategic asset, Uncle Sam can build a more resilient, efficient, and effective workforce that is well-equipped to serve the public in the years to come​.

Gleb Tsipursky, Ph.D., serves as the CEO of the hybrid work consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts and authored the best-seller Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams.


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