Meeting discusses Albany airport's Capital Plan
COLONIE, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- Members of the Albany County Legislature discussed whether to approve Albany International Airport's five-year plan.
The $283 million plan calls for about $91 million for runway improvements and about $42 million for terminal construction. The Airport Authority said some of the projects included in the Capital Plan have already started or involve regular maintenance.
They also said they want to grow past where they were before COVID as well as expanding access to the rest of the country.
"Our goal of making this major investment in this airport, our goal is not just to get back to where we were, but to exceed and grow those expectations. We're making these investments so we can grow. What we need is more diversity. We need different destinations, including to the West Coast. That's another priority we have set. We would like to try to find a direct flight from here to California."
The new leadership team also released a plan to unveil terminal renovations on a gradual basis rather than all at once.