I’ve smelled ripe since I was a kid but my $8 buy cured my underarm BO – I use once a week & can now go deodorant-free
AFTER a long battle with body odor, a medical pro has shared an affordable discovery that didn’t require her to wear deodorant.
She came out smelling like roses – or rather not smelling at all – with the affordable trick.
Redditor Dm_me_kittens described her smelly struggle that started when she was just a child.
“Ever since I was little I’ve always had a ripe smell to me if I didn’t shower every day,” she said.
“I always made sure to keep clean, wear deodorant, and perfume up if I felt like I smelled. I even kept a stick of deodorant in my purse and car just in case I forgot to put it on before leaving the house.”
Her frustrations continued as the foul odor would return in just a few hours after showering.
Regardless of how hard she tried, nothing was doing the trick.
“No matter what I ate, how little I sweat, how clean I kept my clothing, the smell would come,” she said.
“Even worse was that it would get on my shirts and there was always a faint pit smell on the underarms. It was completely embarrassing and I hated it,” she continued.
Getting her nose pierced, however, was going to help solve her stinky situation.
Being a medical professional and overall “clean person,” she always made sure to wash the nose ring to prevent infection.
After noticing that the ring felt “gunky,” she decided to give it a good clean, knowing to avoid alcohol swabs which she explained can damage healing tissue on new piercings.
Instead, she went for a swab with chlorhexidine in it and made a major stink-free discovery.
“I found not only did it get the gunk to go away, [but also] any gross smell. I didn’t need to use water or soap and make a mess anymore,” she said.
“After doing some research. I found out that these swabs help get rid of a lot of harmful bacteria, mainly many strains of staph which live on the skin,” she added.
She had a “lightbulb” moment when she realized that the same type of bacteria causes armpit body odor.
She picked up a whole bottle of the ingredient, with the brand name Hibiclens, at the local grocery store, and was more than pleased with the smell-proof outcome.
Over the next couple of days, the first step of her shower routine included wetting her armpits before scrubbing and allowing the solution to “sit on her pits.”
“Almost instantly I saw – or smelled – results. There was no more body odor and I even found that I could go deodorant-free and still smell great at the end of the day,” she said.
“It’s been about a year since I started doing this, and it’s now done weekly, or biweekly,” she said.
She did admit to keeping up with the routine more regularly during a certain time of the year.
“I’ll do it more during the summer as I sweat more often, and coupled with going to the gym every day, I have to adjust my rinsing. Usually, I’ll just go by the sniff test to see if it needs to be done,” she said.
If you want to try the body odor-fighting buy for yourself, Hibiclens Antiseptic Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser Foam Pump sells for $7.86 on Amazon.
She also shared another use for the frugal find.
“It is also a good monthly face wash and has helped my acne. It does dry out the skin so remember to moisturize if you intend on using it on another part of your body,” she said.
Yet other users had their own tips to save you from smells.
“If you can’t find Chlorhexidine, glycolic acid or salicylic acid are similarly effective!” said one Redditor.
“Body wash with benzoyl peroxide is another good option for stubborn BO smells and is found in most drug stores,” another chimed in.