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Tatar and others weigh in on Turkish ‘intervention’ in Cyprus politics

Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar and a wealth of other high profile Turkish Cypriot politicians have weighed in on reports swirling around Cyprus’ media regarding “intervention” on the part of the Turkish embassy in the north, and, by association, the Turkish government, in local politics.

Reports in newspaper Yeni Duzen and in other outlets claimed that ahead of the party conference of the UBP, the north’s largest party, in September, two potential candidates for the party’s leadership were summoned to the embassy’s residence in Ayios Epiktitos and ordered to “withdraw their candidacies”.

The two candidates in question are reportedly ‘energy minister’ Olgun Amcaoglu and backbench ‘MP’ Kutlu Evren.

Notably, no one has yet denied that such conversations have taken place, with Tatar’s response to questioning on the matter on Gundem Kibris TV being to say, “even if injustice is done, it is necessary to say, ‘it is what it is’.”

He said there is “always some level of resentment at the UBP’s party conferences”, but was keen to point out the party’s continued electoral success since its formation in 1975.

The UBP has survived to this day in this way. You can look and see that the party is in parliament with 24 MPs [out of 50],” he said.

He added that he is “not hopeless” regarding the forthcoming conference, saying, “these things are a matter of fate. You have to be ready for everything.”

“Five or six years ago, I first became party leader, then prime minister, then president. I did not have such aims; I could not have made such a plan. It came like this, it happened just like that,” he said.

Turning his attention to candidates for the party’s leadership at the forthcoming conference, he said, “if our other friends want something very much, it may not necessarily happen. You have to leave things to their course.”

“Even if injustice is done, it is necessary to say ‘it is how it is’ and let it go. Luck will find its way again, you will get what you deserve,” he added.

Tatar led the party between 2018 and 2020, before being required to relieve himself of his party-political ties when he became Turkish Cypriot leader.

Meanwhile, current party leader and ‘prime minister’ Unal Ustel, who hopes to remain in post after the conference, took a slightly different tone, insisting that neither Amcaoglu nor Evren will stand as candidates.

He said he will compete with two other candidates, backbench ‘MP’ Hasan Tacoy and Ahmet Karavelioglu, who currently holds no elected office.

Asked about the other candidates, he insisted that Amcaoglu would not challenge him for the party’s leadership.

“I have a friendship with Amcaoglu dating back to the days when he was a candidate for local government. He is in my cabinet, and he is still doing his job. I do not think he will resign, and I have no intention of removing him from office,” he said.

He added, “it is true that there is pressure from his inner circle for him to be a candidate, but he will make the right decision on this matter.”

The reports left the UBP open to attack from the opposition, with opposition party CTP general secretary Asim Akansoy saying that the party’s leadership struggles have left it “unable to take action” in ‘government’.

“In addition, this is due to the fact that they are a government without a vision,” he said, adding, “what has happened has added salt and pepper to all of this.”

“If the democratic mechanisms within a major political party do not work, if they are not operated and if the inside is shaped by suggestions coming from the outside, of course this will harm not only the political party but the institution of politics as a whole,” he said.

He then called on Amcaoglu and Evren to “make a statement” on the matter, adding, “the Turkish Cypriot people have the right to know what the issue is.”

At the same time, the UBP’s coalition partner YDP leader and ‘transport minister’ Erhan Arikli insisted that any intervention on the part of Turkey was to be expected.

“Turkey is at an important crossroads regarding the Cyprus problem. It is normal for Turkey to want the current government to continue,” he said.

He added that “due to Turkey’s experiences with Mustafa Akinci”, they would want the current ‘government’ to continue in post at least until the next Turkish Cypriot leadership election next year.

“Turkey’s desire to preserve the current situation is logical,” he said.

He also somewhat placed his own thumb on the scale of the forthcoming leadership election, suggesting that a change in the UBP’s leadership may cause his party to withdraw from the coalition.

“If there is a change of government, the YDP will definitely review its attitude and position. We are currently continuing on this road with Unal Ustel. We are trying to get through this process without any trouble,” he said.

He added, “I am not at the point where I can say, ‘no matter what, we will continue in the same way.’ If this government collapses, it will be very difficult to form a new government.”

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