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Match Racing Summer Series – Calling for Expressions of Interest

Attention all Match Racers of all ability!

The National Yacht Club is considering running a Summer Match Racing Series  will run for 6 week sessions with a choice of Monday evenings (from 15th July), Friday evenings (from 19th July), Sunday (from 14th July) mornings or Sunday afternoons…

The serie(s) would be schedule over 6 weeks (starting Sunday 14th July), knowing that in all likelyhood, 1 session would be cancelled and 5 would take place…As the “philosophy” of the NYC Match Racing League is that the series is managed and run by competitors themselves, the objective is to sign up 5 teams per session, 4 competing on any given session and, on a roster basis, the 5th team in charge of the race management (Mark laying // Committee boat)

Each session will consist of one round robin of races in the clubs Elliot 6’s.

The cost for a series will be €250 per team (you may have as many people in your team but racing is with 3 people per boat, a maximum of 2 helms over the series and all helms must be over 18) or €85 per individual + Damage Deposit.

For further details and to express your interest in taking part, please complete the form below:

The post Match Racing Summer Series – Calling for Expressions of Interest appeared first on National Yacht Club.


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