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Cyprus firm honoured in Global Maritime Tech Startup Map

Cyprus firm honoured in Global Maritime Tech Startup Map

Maritime firm Prevention at Sea, based in Cyprus, has recently been honoured with a feature in the GreenTech and Decarbonisation category on the newly updated Global Maritime Tech Startup Map for 2024, curated by Flagship Founders.

This accolade is particularly significant given Flagship Founders’ stringent selection criteria, which focus on companies founded within the past decade that are committed to software innovation within the maritime domain.

The map highlights the pioneers and disruptors of the maritime industry, and Prevention at Sea is delighted to be recognised as a leader in this space.

Furthermore, the company remains committed to continuing its provision of cutting-edge software solutions that contribute to a greener, safer, and more efficient maritime industry.

Established as an LR ISO 9001 / 27001 multi-awarded marine risk assessment company, Prevention at Sea offers not only maritime services for quality assurance but also state-of-the-art software solutions.

Through its innovative projects and achievements, the company has garnered significant recognition, including two Lloyd’s List Awards, as well as the NAMEPA Innovation Award and the Tanker Shipping and Trade Technical Award in 2017 for their concept of ship electronic logbooks.

Moreover, Prevention at Sea was a finalist for the 2018 Lloyd’s List Innovation award in the Middle East and Africa, as well as for the prestigious 2018 Lloyd’s List Global Awards in the Safety sector.

To learn more and to stay updated on the latest developments from Prevention at Sea, please visit


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