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Stunned Brits become ‘first victims’ of Benidorm booze clampdown as cops ‘force them off beach for sipping wine’

TWO Brits are thought to have become the first victims of Benidorm’s stringent beach booze ban.

The bronzed pair appear to have fallen foul of the new law while sharing a bottle of rosé on the beach.

The Two British lads who filmed the incident speculate that fines are 750 euros
Jam Press Vid/@benidorm_grumet
Jam Press Vid/@benidorm_grumet
Two men were troubled by police in Benidorm after sharing a bottle of rosé[/caption]
Jam Press Vid/@benidorm_grumet
Tourists can rack fines of up to €750 if they fancy a tipple on the sands[/caption]

Video shows the two men being spoken to police as they sipped some tipple in the sun.

Benidorm has imposed fines of up to £650 on people caught drinking on the beach.

Brit holidaymakers Darren, 46, and his friend, Graham, 36, from Middlesbrough, caught the confrontation on camera.

He said: “The two men were doing nothing wrong, just chilling out with a bottle of wine

“It’s the first time I’ve ever seen the police move people off the beach for drinking.

“It’s getting really strict over there, the police don’t mess about and they’re out searching people every night.

“Really clamping down on a lot of stuff.

“Rules are rules but these two were doing nothing wrong, just having a quiet drink.”

It is believed the two men – who are understood to be Brits – were not fined but simply told off and moved on from their beach drinking.

Do you know the fined Brits? Contact The Sun at

The town has imposed tough restrictions on the sale of alcohol – and limited spots where it can be consumed.

Benidorm’s booze ban also come along with other fines for actions such as smoking – which will land you £1,700 – or using soap or shampoo while showering – which will get you £560.

The fines are part of a wider crackdown on problem tourists across Spain.

In efforts to curb tourism, the Balearic Islands, which hosts millions of UK tourists every year, have also rolled out bans in some resorts.

Since early May, tourists have not been able to get their hands on booze between 9.30pm and 8am in places like Majorca and Ibiza.

There is a “total ban of the sale of alcohol” in popular tourist hotspots like Palma de Mallorca, Magaluf, Sant Antoni in Ibiza and Llucmajor.

Local authorities in the Balearic Islands confirmed that the clampdown will stay in effect until December 31, 2027.

Bars and restaurants in the area will also have to comply with the stringent restrictions, forcing them to shut from 9.30pm to 8am.

There is also limits on organised drinking in communal areas.

The move comes as southern Europe faces pressure from locals to tackle excessive tourism, often synonymous with drunken Brits.

Protests throughout Tenerife and Majorca have called for a crackdown on numbers of tourists they let in.

Other Spanish fines

AUTHORITIES in Majorca are cracking down on tourists by imposing fresh bans on drinking on the streets and graffiti.

Any tourist breaching the new rules could be slapped with a fine of £1,300.

The penalty can be increased up to £2,600, in case the grounds of the offence are more serious.

Fines for graffiti, vandalism and loud slogans have also been increased to £2,600.

If minors are found to commit graffiti vandalism, their parents will be held responsible – and will be forced to pay the fine amount.

Flooding the streets with banners, posters and advertising brochures is now prohibited,

Destroying listed buildings, monuments, and other important public areas would be considered a serious offence – and could attract fines up to £2,600.

Drinking on a beach is thought to have you slapped with a €750 fine (around £635)

Palma de Mallorca mayor Jaime Martínez said the laws will help them “correct uncivil attitudes” often shown by tourists in his city.

He explained that those breaking the rules could face a fine of up to £2,600.

Initial fines start at a staggering £1,300 but this doubles to £2,600 for more serious offences.

Fines for graffiti, vandalism and loud slogans amount to a huge £2,600.

This even extends to parents of underage kids who commit these offences, which include littering streets with adverts and posters.

And it’s not just boozing that could you get in trouble – authorities have got their eye on anti-social behaviour more broadly.

Damaging listed buildings and other prized monuments could leave you £2,600 out of pocket.

For example back in Benidorm, If you’re caught riding a scooter, making graffiti or nude in non-nude spaces, you may be charged a hefty fine, especially if you’re found to disrupt peace on public roads.

Local newspaper Murcia Today explained “Benidorm has issued a blanket ban on people entering its beaches or swimming between the hours of midnight and 7am.”

It continued: “Visitors are also prohibited from sleeping on the sand during these hours, and flouters could be fined between 750 euros and 1,200 euros.”

They also touched on Mallorca’s “umbrella wars” referring to tourists claiming certain sunbathing spots as their own without turning up.

Last summer, Benidorm council stated those breaching would be let off initially but repeat offenders could be slapped with a €150 fine.

Jam Press Vid/@benidorm_grumet
The scene was a fairly busy beach in Benidorm[/caption]
Brits have loved boozing in Benidorm for decades[/caption]
Many fed up Spanish locals have waged war against boozy British tourists[/caption]

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