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I’m trolled at the school gates all because of stay-at-home-job, folk say I have no self respect but I’m rolling in cash

WHEN your children start school – must mums hope to make friends with other parents.

But Megan Louise has had a tough time getting on with the other mums all because of her stay-at-home-job.

Single mum Megan revealed she’s trolled at the school gates all because of her job[/caption]
She didn’t care what haters had to say when she had cash rolling in[/caption]

Speaking to Truly, the single mum revealed she is trolled at the school gates because of her career.

“The mums weren’t very nice to me, they were really, really mean actually.

“They kind of mum shame me, they make me feel as if I’m doing something wrong and that I’m a bad parent,” Megan revealed.

Megan, from Scotland, revealed she had two daughters, Ariana, 2, and Allie 10.

The mum worked as an exotic dancer before Covid hit but turned to making spicy content at home during lockdown and hasn’t looked back.

She revealed that her career works for her and the family, allowing her more time with the kids while raking the cash in.

The matriarch revealed her salary is quadruple what a regular 9-5 job would give her allowing her to buy lavish designer clothes.

“I’m an excellent mother and I’m just doing what everyone else is doing to put food on the table and provide for their family,” she said hitting back at the haters.

Trolls online have been no better than the mums at the school gate and have said they “feel sorry” for her children and dubbed her a “desperate, attention seeker” and having ‘no self respect.’

The mum added: “I know what I’m doing is safe, it’s legal, it’s a good way of earning money.”

But Megan says that despite the backlash she lives an incredible life, taking her family on holidays all over the world thanks to her job.

Now spending her money on unforgettable life experience, Megan admits that wasn’t the case when she first saw the money go into her bank.

Instead, she opted to buy designer shoes and clothes but now admits £600 on a pair of heels is a waste.

Megan explained that her oldest daughter Allie is aware of what her mum does to make money and wouldn’t mind if her daughter’s followed in her footsteps.

Best Stay-At-Home Side Hustles

  1. Surveys
  2. Tutoring
  3. Social media/influencing
  4. Product testing
  5. Re-selling online with apps such as Vinted or Depop

Her one concern is about her children finding things online when they are older.

Allie has also been trolled at school and received comments about her mums work but claims it doesn’t bother her as she is ‘proud of her mum.’

Megan insists on being clear with her children about not hiding anything about her way of supporting her family.

The video shared on Truly’s YouTube channel and people were quick to share their thoughts in the comments section.

One person wrote: “Definitely sucks for the kids but at least mum is trying to make ends meet.”

Another commented: “She is an attractive person and people will objectify her regardless. Good for her for monetising her beauty. Haters are insecure, controlling and jealous.”

“Serious people with will judge anyone over something they dislike. Megan’s not doing anything wrong, only proving for herself and her daughters,” penned a third.

Meanwhile a fourth said: “She’s drop dead gorgeous. As long as she is putting her money away in savings and investments, more power to her. Let’s be honest here folks, she wouldn’t be making so much money IF there wasn’t a demand for it.”

“Those horrible judgemental mums are just jealous of you,” claimed a fifth.

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