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UK’s most isolated pub near picturesque beach that’s been serving pints for 600 years – but there are no roads in or out

THE UK’s most isolated pub near a picturesque beach has been serving pints for 600 years but there are no roads in or out.

The only way to reach The Pilchard Inn is by sea tractor, which is basically an elevated platform on wheels, which transports passengers across the bay to Burgh Island.

Getty - Contributor
The famous sea tractor in action[/caption]
The historic Pilchard Inn from 1336 on Burgh Island South Devon[/caption]
The Burgh Island Hotel and nearby Pilchard Inn[/caption]

The scenic journey across the sands costs £4 return.

The 14th century pub is on Burgh Island which gets cut off from the Devon mainland by the tide.

It is possible to walk across the sands to the island in low tide, which is what most locals do.

The Pilchard Inn has been serving pints for 600 years, and is steeped in maritime history.

Fisherman of old have washed down pints and told tall tales under the thick wooden beams.

Today the pub serves up a raft of classic dished to hungry tourists, including homemade sausage rolls, Ribeye steaks and other delights.

Customers have posted complementary reviews on Trip Advisor.

The stunning Art Deco Burgh Island Hotel is nearby, which was the inspiration for Dame Agatha Christie’s best-selling novel ‘And Then There Were None.’

Life on Eigg Island

LOCALS living on a remote island with just 110 people say there are no shops and only one taxi driver , writes Summer Raemason.

The Island of Eigg, located off the coast of western Scotland, is renowned as one of the most picturesque Hebridean Islands – sitting 10 miles south of Skye alongside Muck, Rum and Canna.

It is also one of the most isolated, with just over 100 inhabitants – and no connection to the mainland’s power.

Yet locals have welcomed their isolation, saying there’s nowhere else they’d rather live.

Everyone who visits the island arrives by boat, along with all deliveries from parcels to food.

There is just one small local shop, which also operates as a post office, as well as a single cafe – Galmisdale Bay Cafe & Bar.

Despite the limited amenities, there is also a bike hire store, a crafting shop and a respite area for campers – as well as three glamping pods.

Dolphins, orcas and sunfish are among the sealife that can be spotted from the coast, as well as golden eagles and buzzards.

A bed and breakfast called Lageorna is also available to those who would prefer a more traditional stay – providing four-star service.

Tourists can explore the island on a guided wildlife walk, trek the UK’s largest pitchstone ridge An Sgurr or discover more about the island’s history at its two museums.

The property was used as a ­recovery centre for servicemen during World War Two. King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson stayed there.

The Beatles used the hotel while they played a concert in nearby Plymouth.

The hotel has a sea-water Mermaid Pool  and is famed for its sense of tradition, with a dress code for dinner.

Barman Gary McBar, who has spent 25 years serving cocktails on the island, said: “You feel the spirit of Agatha on your shoulder.”


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