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How the Purge Works in Chapter 2 - Conan Exiles | Gamer G...

The Chapter 2 (Age of War) update for Conan Exiles introduced a number of changes to the purge system, including a system of Clan Hoards which allows you to gather and hoard all sorts of treasures from coins, Gold Bars, Silver Bars, decorated plates, war horns, and a unique type of treasure known as Heroic Treasures. These are valuable items such as the Derketo Cat, The Black Galleon, and Jamilla’s Liberty that you can find in specific locations, and then bring them back to your base. All of this serves to make your base more desirable for would-be attackers, and the more wealth you have, the more powerful the attacking force. There’s a lot to take in with this new system, so on this page, we’ll take you through the basics of how to start purges and how to defend against them, alongside links to more detailed guides on related topics. Subscribe to Premium to Remove AdsView Full-sizeThe humble beginnings of a treasure coffer in Conan Exiles.How to Start a Purge in Conan Exiles¶The first...

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Chelsea PULL OUT of Alexander Isak transfer race in move which could come at a huge cost to Everton

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Chelsea PULL OUT of Alexander Isak transfer race in move which could come at a huge cost to Everton

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