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Travel experts issue passport warnings for Brits to avoid being kicked off their flights

BRITS have been warned to check their passports before travelling this summer, with small problems often leading to big consequences.

Thousands of travellers face issues at airports each year due to damaged passports, with many prevented from entering their destination, or from getting on their flight in the first place.

Novelty passport stamps can cause problems for passengers at airports[/caption]
Slight damage could be enough to have your passport rejected as well[/caption]
Passport problems can prevent passengers from entering certain countries[/caption]

If authorities are concerned about the validity of a passport, travellers may even be held at the airport for further questioning, even if they’ve already landed at their destination.

Meanwhile minor scuffs and bent pages are generally acceptable, but some countries with stricter rules might not be quite as lenient, so it’s worth making sure passports are kept in good condition.  

Travel consultants at eShores have revealed their top tips for passengers to ensure their passport isn’t rejected at the airport and they can go away as planned this summer.

Firstly, they advise against getting novelty souvenir stamps that could lead to problems on future trips.

Some destinations offer novelty stamps for passports, but they may impact travel in the future, so it’s best not to get them.

Those stamps are not officially recognised and may be considered alteration or defacement, which can lead to a passport being rejected.

Water damage is also a big problem for travellers.

Passports with significant water damage are often deemed invalid for travel, especially if information is obscured or the laminate has started to lift.

It’s not just water travellers need to be cautious of either, with the HM Passport Office saying they consider passports with “stains on the pages” damaged.

However, the biggest problems for travellers tend to be rips, tears and holes.

This often-overlooked passport damage can be dealbreakers for some customs agents, who have the right to refuse people entry if their documents aren’t up to standard.

A common misconception is that as long as all the information on a passport is present, visible and legible, it is acceptable for travel.

However, this isn’t the case. Lifted laminate on the personal details page can cause rejections, even if the photograph and information can be easily viewed, as can torn or defaced pages. 

Holes and cuts are usually used to cancel old passports, so they’re unacceptable in a current passport.

What are the passport rules?

The Sun’s Head of Travel Lisa Minot has explained exactly what Brits need to know.

“Travellers used to be able to roll over up to nine unused months from their old passport onto a new one.

“But post-Brexit, anyone wanting to travel to the EU can no longer rely on those extra months.

“In order to travel to the EU, all passports must be no more than 10 years old on the day you arrive in your European destination.

“And you’ll need at least three months on your passport on the day you head back to the UK.

“Figures have shown up to 100,000 holidaymakers a year face being turned away at airports if their passport is more than 10 years old.

“The 10-year rule only applies to countries in the European Union but every country may have different rules on what is accepted – some countries like South Africa, for example, insist you have at least six months  left on your passport when you travel and a full clear page.”

Travellers should keep in mind that if the chip on the passport can be seen from the back cover, this can also lead to rejection. 

Furthermore, loose or detached passport covers or bindings are also a common reason for refusal, even if the inside of the passport is in pristine condition.

Passengers are advised to protect it with an external passport cover to limit the chance of damage to the cover or pages from rips, wear and tear, stains or other types of damage. 

Even if one country showed some leniency, others might not, so it’s always worth renewing if there’s the slightest concern that a passport might not be up to scratch.

Many travellers make the mistake of believing that if their damaged passport has been accepted before, it will continue to be suitable for travel.

However, certain countries and airports may have stricter regulations for the condition of a passport.

Bali, Vietnam, Qatar, Australia and the United States are all examples of locations with stringent rules when it comes to damaged passports.  

Gavin Lapidus, Director of eShores, said: “A passport is your gateway to the world, and even a little damage can result in complications at airport check-in desks.

“Most passports last ten years, during which they can expect some wear and tear.

“When travelling, your passport is checked for damage, tampering, and validity, with damaged documents facing rejection, putting an end to your holiday.” 

When considering replacing a damaged passport, it’s usually better to be safe than sorry.

Gavin continued: “If you’re concerned about passport damage, that’s usually a clear indication you may experience issues at the airport check-in.

“For peace of mind, you can contact the embassy for the country you’re visiting for clarity on what is acceptable damage.

“If you’re still worried, organise a replacement passport to ensure your holiday doesn’t come to a sudden, unexpected end before it’s even begun.” 

Meanwhile, these two holiday destinations have the strictest passport rules.

And these are two urgent checks families need to make before going on holiday.

Passengers should always check their passports before travelling[/caption]
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