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SE Portland neighbors say they weren't notified about treatment drop-off center

SE Portland neighbors say they weren't notified about treatment drop-off center

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A new 24-hour drop-off treatment readiness center has been announced for Portland's Central Eastside but neighbors say they weren't notified about the plans beforehand.

According to Multnomah County, the facility at 900 S.E. Sandy Blvd "will function as a space for law enforcement to bring — or deflect — individuals unlawfully possessing drugs for services and treatment referral instead of booking them into jail."

This is part of an effort to implement the recently passed House Bill 4002, which allows counties in Oregon to opt-in to treatment-first alternatives to jail for offenders caught with small quantities of drugs. The state law is a reform to the previously voter-passed Measure 110.

Many residents of the Buckman Neighborhood, where the deflection center will be located, who spoke with KOIN 6 News said they're in favor of more treatment centers for people but raised concerns about not being included in the public process of selecting the location.

"While I don't know very much about the details, what I do want to say is I have some concerns right from the start," said Susan Lindsay. "There was no on-the-ground involvement from anyone in the neighborhood."

The deflection center won't open until September 1 and the county is still soliciting bids for a provider to staff and support it. Once it's opened, it "will offer screenings, basic need services, and connection to treatment and recovery services," county officials said.

Multnomah County Chair Jessica Vega Pederson released a statement Thursday touting the new center as an important step toward helping people break their cycle of addiction.

“Treatment remains the most effective pathway to recovery for people struggling with addiction. The readiness center funded by House Bill 4002, where law enforcement will bring individuals for treatment referral, will be an important entry point to create accountability and healing for all of us affected by addiction,” she said. “Signing the lease for our location is a big step forward toward more treatment readiness on Sept. 1.”

Rick Johnson, a resident of the Buckman Neighborhood, said he and his peers were left in the dark about plans for a treatment center opening near them.

"Well we were wondering what, you know, if this was in fact the place that was chosen and why the neighborhood wasn't brought into the public process," he said. "We're not a nimby neighborhood. This is a very open and welcoming neighborhood but we don't see a good plan. We don't believe the county has a good plan. And you know a bad plan could be worse than no plan at all."

Multnomah County District 1 Commissioner Sharon Meieran also voiced frustration at the perceived lack of transparency in the deflection center plans.

 "I find this extremely disturbing. But what's even more disturbing is I wasn't noticed at all — let alone two days ago — for a deflection center being proposed with a lease being signed in my district."

With the decision now moving forward to open the center, neighbors like Johnson hope the county will take a more active approach to engaging with the community on issues like this.

"I think the county needs to develop some trust with the inhabitants of this neighborhood," he said.

KOIN 6 News reached out to Multnomah County for comment but a spokesperson said they could not do a same-day interview. However, the county did provide a press release earlier in the day giving more details about the center. The release said the deflection center will be part of a "much larger continuum of care that includes recovery housing, transitional housing, detox services and withdrawal services." A sobering center is also planned to be opened next year, co-located alongside the deflection center.


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