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Daily Horoscope for June 28, 2024

Daily Horoscope for June 28, 2024

General Daily Insight for June 28, 2024

Conversations carry an extra weight today. The Moon begins with a blurring conjunction to mystical Neptune before marching into fiery Aries for the next two days. Meanwhile, Mercury in Cancer will square wise Chiron at 1:58 pm EDT, which could result in difficult talks. Thankfully, they should yield valuable results that allow us to expel old drama. The Moon will wrap things up with a square to the Sun in Cancer, so any lingering tensions can be released with physical activity.


March 21 – April 19

Don’t keep your feelings bottled up! Mercury in your emotional 4th house is making it hard for you to fake it, and that’s doubly true as the messenger planet bothers wounded Chiron in your sign. It could be difficult to keep the tears from flowing, but not because you feel bad. These are cathartic tears (or words) that can make you feel so much better once you let them out. Open up a bit and you’ll see it was well worth it.


April 20 – May 20

Someone may say something or do something that catches you off guard. Your mind is buzzing while Mercury flits through your chatty 3rd house, but its square to Chiron in your subconscious 12th house could result in someone blindsiding you by identifying a flaw of yours. Just because someone hits the nail on the head doesn’t mean you need to spiral out! As long as they aren’t trying to make you feel bad about something, you can acknowledge the critique and keep moving forward.


May 21 – June 20

Social invitations may presently carry financial obligations. Your ruler Mercury is in your income sector, turning your attention to material matters, but that energy gets complicated by Mercury’s square to Chiron in your friendly 11th house. A group outing could cost more than you’re willing to pay, or perhaps everyone else is off while you’re forced to keep working away for your paycheck. Someone may offer to cover your share, but you’re not required to accept it if doing so would make you feel guilty.


June 21 – July 22

Keeping your feelings to yourself isn’t easily done under today’s skies. Your mind is in hyperdrive while Mercury moves through your 1st House of Self-Expression, but that could take on the mopey energy of a pity-party when Mercury picks a fight with reactive Chiron in your 10th House of Reputation. It may be essentially impossible to keep from venting about some long-standing frustrations, which is fine. Just keep your vents in the right place to the right people, or you might regret your words later.


July 23 – August 22

Today is a bit of a guessing game. You’re not exactly moving at top speed while messenger Mercury trundles through your sleepy 12th house, and it could be even more difficult to know where to turn as Mercury squares Chiron in your boundless 9th house. It’s nice to know the world is so big, but if you’re not sure where to go or what to do, you may get paralyzed by an overabundance of choice. Try not to overcomplicate your schedule.


August 23 – September 22

Everyone seems to be prying into your private business. There is a valid reason for this nosiness, however, as Mercury in your outgoing 11th house makes a combustible square with Chiron in your secretive 8th house. Regardless of whether you had plans to link up with others or to keep to yourself, the last thing you’ll want to do is lay your cards down to show everyone at the table. Even if others are trying to be helpful, your business is yours and yours alone.


September 23 – October 22

Someone in your orbit may shoot down your ambitions before they can even take off. You’re primed to think in big-picture terms while Mercury moves through your 10th House of Success, but the fight between Mercury and sensitive Chiron in your partnership sector could result in someone being less supportive than you’d prefer. Even if they’re normally your biggest fan, it may not feel like it at present. The wise response would be to avoid letting their opinions sway you and your confidence.


October 23 – November 21

There’s nothing fun about your duties, not when more exciting prospects are dangling in front of you. Unfortunately, you might have to put more thrilling options on hold when Mercury in your adventurous 9th house snaps at Chiron in your responsible 6th house, forcing you to tend to your chores rather than fly off to parts unknown. It will be appealing to distract yourself with daydreams, but if you get your work done first, then you can do way more than just daydream.


November 22 – December 21

Having fun shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth, and yet it could be rather difficult to enjoy yourself at the moment. This awkwardness is due to a disagreement between Mercury in your intense 8th house and Chiron in your showy 5th house. You may feel like your ideas or words are never as awesome as they sound inside your head. Avoid attempting to force yourself to be “exciting” — let it come naturally. That way, you won’t be twisting yourself up in knots of stress.


December 22 – January 19

Someone can and probably will push your buttons, Capricorn. This tense square between Mercury in your relationship sector and Chiron in your emotional sector is potentially going to leave you feeling like one or two people in particular have nothing good to say to you. They may not even mean to say these things that you find so hurtful, and yet they hit home like a bullseye each time. Take responsibility for your feelings — and let others do the same with theirs.


January 20 – February 18

Potholes are appearing in every direction. Even if you’re the most motivated person on the planet, excitable Mercury’s misstep with concerned Chiron could send you bouncing all around town. You might get stuck attempting to do one thing after another while getting constantly dragged off on side quests. Whether it’s your car breaking down, chatty neighbors who take up your time, or mistakes at the doctor’s office, someone seems to be dropping the ball. Make an effort to ensure that “someone” isn’t you!


February 19 – March 20

Exciting plans won’t stop the universe from giving you other things to do at this time. It would be lovely to do as you please while Mercury is in your exciting 5th house, but that joyride hits a speed bump when the messenger planet squabbles with touchy Chiron. Watch out for last-minute work requests or budgetary restrictions! It’ll be tough to actually follow through with any fun ideas, that’s for sure. That being said, you can figure out a solution with a little effort.


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