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Two Years After Dobbs: What’s Next?

To mark the two-year anniversary of Roe v. Wade being overturned, hundreds of pro-life advocates from across the nation braved the blazing D.C. summer heat Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial for the second annual National Celebrate Life rally.

The rally, which was hosted by various pro-life coalitions including Students for Life, Young Women for America, Live Action, and 40 Days for Life, celebrated the anniversary of the momentous Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court decision that overturned the previously established precedent constitutionally guaranteeing a right to abortion.

The event featured many notable pro-life speakers, such as Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America, Rep. Bob Good (R-VA), Abby Johnson of And Then There Were None, Jon Schweppe of the American Principles Project, Dr. Haywood Robinson of 40 Days for Life, and Thomas Kearns, a post-abortive father. 

Hawkins addressed the crowd first, emphasizing how important it will be for government officials to continue to stand for life going into the 2024 election cycle: “We have come here to demand that our leaders, especially those in the Republican party, lead on life and not get sucked into maelstroms or whirlpools of abortion moderation or toleration that will only lead to destruction.”

She stressed, “The tide has already turned once with the fall of Roe, so therefore we know that the predictable tides will turn again in our lifetime.”

Good, whose political future hangs on a recount of his contested primary election, declared that politicians like himself are in unique positions of power to fight for life. He praised the bravery of the Supreme Court justices who were instrumental in the Dobbs decision and said that it was now up to the people’s representatives to protect the sanctity of life in their individual states. 

“After Roe v. Wade, some became hyper-federalists and…many in Congress tried to abdicate their responsibility to deal with this most important of issues,” he said. “But why do we try to win elections if not to save life?” 

Robinson, a medical doctor who used to perform abortions, said he knew what it was like to be part of the “abortion cartel.” After time spent in the industry, he realized that he was taking part in an immoral act that he likened to slavery. He remained optimistic that more people like him will see the sin of the abortion industry: “We will plunder hell to populate heaven. No more mothers will cry, and no more babies will die.”

The most emotional speech came from Kearns, who, three months ago, lost his daughter Clementine to the abortion industry. According to Kearns, Clementine’s body had been ripped apart while she was still alive and was subsequently sold for parts to a research facility on the West Coast. 

“People tell me she’s not a human, or she was not alive. People tell me I’m crying over someone I never met before,” he said. “The abortion facility preyed on Clementine’s mom’s uncertainty and vulnerability. She had no money, but they promised to take care of her…. They got what they wanted.” 

“I love Clementine. I will find her and give her a resting place…. Even after my death, Clementine will live on,” Kearns told the tearful crowd. A junior at the University of Virginia gestured to a small group of protestors gathered to the side of the rally and told The American Conservative, “I’m so glad they’re here to hear this.”

The post Two Years After Dobbs: What’s Next? appeared first on The American Conservative.


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