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Safest destinations for a solo traveler: Tokyo, Stockholm and other memorable vacation spots

Safest destinations for a solo traveler: Tokyo, Stockholm and other memorable vacation spots

Whether you are venturing out by choice or circumstance, a solo vacation may feel exciting while a tad daunting. 

As a party of one, choosing safety is not just the wise thing to do — it's essential.

Heading out on a solo trip does have its benefits. You can enjoy complete autonomy and have the ability to decide when to wake up, what to explore and what sights to visit while enjoying the luxury of having the final say on every itinerary decision. However, the allure of an independent trip can be overshadowed when concerned about safety.


Highlighted here are international spots that tend to be safe but also offer a warm welcome from locals. These are some of the safest travel spots to consider as you plan a solo excursion, according to multiple sources:

Iceland is widely regarded an ideal destination for those traveling alone, and its capital, Reykjavik, consistently ranks among the world's safest capital cities. 

The combination of low crime rates, a vibrant, well-illuminated city center and the rarity of incidents involving tourists attracts solo travelers.

When it comes to safety, Iceland stands out, registering minimal crime and mostly of a petty nature. Iceland has a 1.107 on the Global Peace Index (GPI), which it has held for more than a decade.

The country’s small population and a strong sense of community are likely reasons for the low crime rate.

Furthermore, Reykjavik is full of opportunities for individual travelers. From hiking to waterfalls, exploring the glaciers and viewing volcanoes, there is no shortage of activities. 

Locals are known to be helpful to tourists, and the city has an excellent public transportation system. Reykjavik stands out as particularly accommodating to those traveling solo.

Tokyo receives universal praise as a safe destination for travelers of all types, whether traveling in groups, pairs or solo. Japan was ranked as the ninth most peaceful country in the world according to GPI, which also recognized Japan as a foremost destination that travelers want to revisit.


Tokyo has also earned recognition as the safest city in the world, according to the Economic Intelligence Unit’s Safe City Index. 

Not only is it a safe place to travel, it can be enjoyable for solo sojourners as well. The accommodations, public transportation and activity options make it an enticing choice for those selecting a place to travel to on their own.

Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, stands out as a perfect destination for solo travelers due to its navigational ease and the wealth of activities offered for those looking for an adventure. It's an English-speaking country, so facilitating interactions with the locals makes it much simpler for visitors to find their way around. 

As far as accommodations go, backpacking hostels can be found throughout the area in most of the surrounding major towns. 


New Zealand is ranked as the second-safest country in the world, according to the GPI. The country is considered secure, but as with any city, reasonable precautions are important to take.

Stockholm is often regarded as one of the world's safest capital cities and is a strong choice for the solo traveler. In addition to feeling secure while on vacation, visitors can take an island-hopping adventure with the stunning archipelago and great hostels.

Stockholm is considered one of the safest places to travel to and upholds low crime rates and a high standard of living. Travelers can connect with the locals, enjoy the serene landscape and enjoy the vibrant day and nightlife that the cosmopolitan city has to offer.

Singapore, a bustling cosmopolitan hub, offers a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, regardless of party size. 


This city-state stands out for its cleanliness and efficiency, offering many food choices and enjoyable experiences. 

The strictness of its laws, including the ban on gum to reduce vandalism and promote cleanliness, contributes to an orderly environment. It's important to check Singapore’s guidelines before packing to ensure that your luggage is within the strict guidelines. 

If you are traveling to Singapore alone, you can expect a welcoming community and a multicultural experience.

If you are planning solo travel in Asia, the independent city-state, although small, offers a lot in terms of entertainment. 

Although the destinations covered in this travel piece are among the safest for travelers to explore on a solo trip, it is essential to exercise proper safety precautions on any travels. 

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Here are some safety tips to keep in mind while traveling in another country:


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