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CNN Implements Mute Button for Biden-Trump Presidential Debate - Find Out How It Will Work

CNN Implements Mute Button for Biden-Trump Presidential Debate - Find Out How It Will Work

CNN is preparing for the first 2024 Presidential Debate.

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will be debating for the first time face-to-face in four years on Thursday night (June 27) ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election taking place this fall.

After the 2020 Presidential Debate when Trump and Biden repeatedly talked over and insulted one another, CNN has decided to implement a mute button during this debate.

Keep reading to find out more…Behind the podiums, there will be two green lights, which are a signal for the microphones, which will be controlled by the control room. When the lights are off, the microphone has put on mute, according to The Hill.

When one candidate speaks, the other’s microphone will be on mute so that they can not interrupt the person speaking and viewers will not hear them speaking, but will just see them miming.

Ahead of the debate, CNN previewed the format for the evening.

“Candidates will have two minutes to answer questions and one minute for responses and rebuttals. At the moderators’ discretion, there may be an additional minute for follow-ups, clarifications, or responses,” anchor Phil Mattingly explained.

Attached to the cameras in the studio and in the candidates’ field of view are the timing lights.

“When the lights show yellow, there are 15 seconds left in the candidate’s answer or response. When the lights flash red, there are five seconds left, and when the display is solid red, the time is up,” Mattingly continued. “At that point, the candidate’s microphone will be turned off and the other candidate will have their microphone turned on.”

Thursday’s night debate is the first of two scheduled debates between Biden and Trump ahead of the November 2024 Presidential Election. The second debate is scheduled to take place in September and will air on ABC.

The debate begins at 9pm ET on CNN.


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