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Paloma Faith slams ‘entitled’ people at Glastonbury VIP area as she prepares for festival set

PALOMA FAITH may be one of the biggest home-grown stars in the UK but I’m happy to report she remains loyal to her fans.

She plays the Pyramid Stage on Sunday then plans to stay on at the festival and, rather than live it up in the VIP areas and bars, get out among the 250,000-strong crowd expected to attend.

Paloma Faith, who will be playing on the Pyramid Stage, says she’s so excited she’s going to ‘combust’[/caption]
Paloma says she is going to try and stick around for the rest of the festival after her set[/caption]

In an exclusive chat ahead of her show, the How To Leave A Man singer says: “It is weird – when I am in the VIP area I get hassled  left right and centre.

“Everyone in there feels entitled but in the normal bit everyone leaves me alone and they just want to talk to me like a normal person.

“In the VIP area they are like, ‘We deserve this’, but they are not giving me the money that they spent on the ticket.”

I couldn’t have put it better myself, Paloma.

And while some Glasto acts head straight off site after their shows, Paloma says she will be sticking around to enjoy the music.

The star, who earlier this year brought out  sixth album The Glorification Of Sadness, says: “I’ve not done Glastonbury in eight years and I feel so excited.

“I am almost going  to combust. 

“It is one of the absolute best memories of my career, playing at Glastonbury.

“I’m over-the-moon excited for it. 

“This time I am  going to try and stay.

“I didn’t get to last time, I was so rushed, but this time I am going to try. 

“I really want to see SZA perform, I love her.”

Teasing what fans can expect from her slot, Paloma adds: “I will do some of the hits and a mix of the new album.

“I feel like the new album is really full to the brim of fun songs to play, and I’ve got a new person in my band who is an on-stage producer who is sending me videos of himself playing about with loops and stuff which makes it really exciting.

“I think it’s going to go off.”

We’ll be front and centre for your show, Paloma.

Go kill it!


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