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Shakira in bid to reclaim chunk of her multi­million-pound losses after tax battle in Spain

SHAKIRA is set to make a bid to reclaim a chunk of the £50 million tax losses she has been forced to pay out.

The Colombian pop star lost the staggering fortune in a series of six tax “fraud” battles with authorities in Spain.

Pop star Shakira will try to reclaim some of her multi-million pound tax losses[/caption]
The Colombian star was forced to pay out after a series of legal battles in Spain[/caption]

The star, divorced from ex-Barcelona player Gerard Pique, is set for a final showdown with a date yet to be confirmed.

If the 47-year-old wins the latest court battle, it will allow her to claw back millions in tax payments.

The looming administrative case is connected to her earnings from 2011.

The tax authorities argue she should have been treated as a Spanish tax resident at that time.

However her lawyer Miriam Company told the OffshoreAlert Marbella Conference: “Shakira only spent a maximum of 70 days in Spain that year – not even half the minimum to be considered a tax resident”.

In November – the latest of the tax hearings – Shakira reached a settlement with prosecutors to avoid a trial in Barcelona over charges she failed to pay £12.7m in Spanish income tax between 2012 and 2014.

As part of the deal, she accepted the charges and a fine of 50 per cent of the amount owed, more than £6.3m.

She also accepted a further fine of £300,000 to avoid a three-year prison sentence.

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